If you have the song 'Kaleidoscope' in your phone, you can use either your earphone or headpiece to listen to this song while reading its lyrics.
[Instrumental Break]
[Verse: Coleman Barks]
This being human is a guest house,
Every morning a new arrival,
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes,
As an unexpected visitor,
Welcome and entertain them all!
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent as a guide[Outro]
Next lyrics - Track 8: Army of One
Taken from Genius lyrics.
A Head Full of Dreams
RandomThis is a lyricbook for Coldplay's seventh studio album 'A Head Full of Dreams'. Here are the lyrics for all the 12 songs from the album; from the first track 'A Head Full of Dreams' until the last track 'Up&Up'. Enjoy reading the lyrics and have fu...