Chapter 3

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It has been a month since my tongue split and I can talk normally again.

I'm sitting alone in my apartment getting down from my high, when the doorbell chimed. I was expecting Aaron Pauley coming. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Lilith! How are you?"

"Hey Aaron! I'm doing well, how are you?"

"I'm pretty good!"

"Well come on in, I made some food!"

"I'd be happy to. Now let's talk about the reason why I'm here."

"Daddy issues. Am I right?"

"Yep." Aaron said simply.

"We still aren't talking because I don't like his girlfriend."

"Actually... it's fiancé now..."

"Oh fuck, he is actually marry that bitch?" If that thing actually thinks that saying 'you are ugly and a disgusting creature.' isn't bitchy I don't know what is.

"Ann is actually really nice Lilith!"

"Let's talk about this over dinner."

We walked into the kitchen and saw macaroni and cheese on the table.

"You are so classy Lilith! I'm so proud of you!"

"Hey, at least it's not takeout!"

I smiled. "I'm sure it was last night."

"Shut up Aaron, stop being mean!"

Aaron laughed but didn't say anything back. I loved how open he was, unlike my father, he expressed interest in what I have done to my body instead of ignoring me over an argument over his girlfr-fiancé.

"How long are you in town?" I asked.

"Another day or two. You should come out and see everyone."

"No thanks! Can you imagine what Austin would do if he saw me?"

"I don't know what he would do, but he would still love you."

"I challenge you to text him, you don't have to see him. You can even text him after we leave so he can't see you!"

"No!" I wasn't open to this. Austin had hurt me, badly, and I am scared it will happen again.

"Just try. If you don't like it you can stop texting him."

"What happens if he gets mad at me?" I just want my father to love me. I feel like he blames me for his dad going to jail. Which is true, but I want him to be happy that he is gone not mad that I let him find out.

"Just try. if it gets too mad call me and I'll talk to him." Aaron looked sincere.

"Fine. I'll talk to him, after you guys leave the country." I gave in.

"Thank you."

"When are you guys leaving the U.S?" I asked. I held my fingers behind my back and crossed my fingers, hoping it was going to be a while.

"Next week." Aaron saying while shrugging his shoulders.

"What?! I thought you guys were just leaving town in a couple days? Not the country!" I was baffled what would happen if I texted him and I say the wrong thing?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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