Hold Me Close Dear (fluff /smut)

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We had been together for 4 years. We had fumbled our way through a relationship since our 6th year and now that the threat of Voldemort and sneering homophobic students are gone, I can finally embrace my love with open arms and shout to the roof tops of my love for him. But tonight I was going to be shouting it for his ears, and his ears only.

Tonight would be both of our first time, we had both been wanting to go further in our relationship. So I was sitting on the sofa in our little flat, waiting for Draco to come home. He was out getting groceries, it was his turn this week.

I heard the front door open and I got excited, I felt like a dog waiting for his owner. I stood up to help Draco with the groceries. "Hello, Love." He said, kissing me sweetly on my lips.

"Hm hello, need some help?" I offered.

"Yes, thank you." We put away the groceries and as I finished I felt a pair of strong arms slither around my waist. I couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up my throat.

"Hello to you to." I said. I felt Draco nuzzle my neck and breathe me in, his finger drawing slow circles on either side of my hips from where his arms rested.

"Hello." He murmured back, kissing a trail up my neck. He landed on my jaw and lightly turned me around in his arms. I smiled up at him and watched a smile of his own grow on his face. I leaned up and pressed my lips to his softly. I sighed when I felt his lips move with my own. He tilted his chin forward, moving my mouth closer to his. I felt his tongue lick softly at my bottom lip and I couldn't hide the shiver that ran down my spine. I opened my mouth to his silent question and kissed back with more fervor, turning our gentle slow dance into a passionate brawl. I heard him hum and it resonated like a gentle rumble through my body. I pressed myself impossibly closer to him and wished for nothing more then to press him against a wall or a couch or something.

I reluctantly pulled back from his soft lips. "Let's move this to the bedroom shall we?" I asked. I felt him chuckle and he pressed a soft kiss to my lips once more before he lifted me up, I squeaked at the surprise attack and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Soon enough I was pressed against our plush bed, his body towering over my own. "Let's take this slow and gentle for our first, Yeah?" He offered. I gladly accepted.

"Yes." I sighed into his mouth as his lips were on my own again. He casted a quick silencing charm on the room and it made me incredibly harder at the thought of our moans being so loud we'd might disturb the neighbors. I removed my glasses and soon I felt his hands roam my body. Light gentle touches pressing into my clothed skin. Too many clothes between us. I tugged at his button down, "off." I whispered breathlessly. I could feel the laugh on his lips and through my chest, and god did I love the feeling. I watched him slowly, teasingly, unbutton his shirt before letting it slide down his pale shoulders. Giving way to a pale expanse of skin, beautiful skin that made the marred, supposed to be ugly, scars that littered his body look beautiful. I let my fingers gently run down each and every one in sight. I leaned closer and held Draco by his waist, pressing soft kisses to each scar that he wore. He straddled my lap and set his hands on my shoulders, moaning softly as my lips grazed over his erect nipples.

I let my tongue run down a particularly long scar, an apology, kissing it soon after. I felt his happy sigh leaves his lips, through his chest. My lips wandered to his collarbones and I began to suck. Nipping and kissing lightly, trying my best to leave the darkest marks I could. I wanted everyone to know that I claimed Draco Malfoy and he is mine just as much as I am his. I could feel his bulge grow through his jeans and I smirked.

"Excited are we?" I murmured into his shoulder.

"Fuck off and fuck me you prick." Draco gasped breathily as I marked him again, my hand cupping his arse and giving a light squeeze.

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