Chapter 4

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  "ASH! IM HOME!" I heard Miles scream from downstairs. I quickly jump off my bed and head downstairs". "Miles!" I say and hug him. He just eyes my cast. "Its just a boken wrist Miles. Not another head" I say laughing. Lilliath busts through the door. "Tristin...Kole...Danny. Coming...hide" she says in between breaths. I look at her and than dart into the coat closet. Soon after i hear the front door burst open again. "Is she okay?"  "Is it broken?" "Wheres she at?" I hear all three of them ask. How did Koleton know where i live is what i really want to know. 

   The door busts open and Tristin is standing there, he pulls me up and into a hug. "Ow!" I yelp. He quickly lets go of me,"Oh my goodness are you okay?" He asks quickly. I laugh at how worried he is,"You just squeezed my wrist and it hurt a little" I say holding up the bright orange casted wrist. He says sorry and moves so Koleton can talk to me. "Hey are you okay?"  he asks. I nod and sigh. "Well guess what" He tells me cheering up. I look up at him, me being 5'3 and all,"Hmm?" I ask. He smiles and shows off his perfect dimples, "I moved next door!" He says jumping up and down. "No way! Are you kidding!?" I ask also jumping up and down. "No! I really did!" He says. "This is so awesome! We can party all day and night!" I say to him smiling. He laughs and ingulfs me into a hug, "Totally" he says. "Ash" Danny says but i just walk away and ignore him."Why arent you tallking to me!? What did i ever do?!" He practically screams at me. I turn and look at him, but just start talking to Lilliath. "Ash! Please just talk to me" He pleads. I turn and just laugh, "Lilli want to go to the kitchen and get a Gatorade?" I ask her. "Why id love to" She smiles and we make our way to the kitchen.

   "Youre really going with the whole not talking to him thing arent you" She says. I jump onto the island, "I sure am" I say proudly. She just laughs and we start talking about the game tonight. "Ash! We need to get ready i have practice in thirty!" Miles screams into the kitchen while going upstairs. "Will you please come?" I ask Lilli. "Let me text mom and dad and tell them im staying over" she says and pulls out her phone. While shes on the phone i decide to run upstairs and get ready.

   Its fall so it gets pretty cold at night in Mississippi, so i decide on a pair of dark blue jean skinny jeans, Danny's maroon and gold varsity hoodie that says "Property of West Woods High School Football" on the front and "Greene 38" on the back, and white Converse. After im done I go into my bathroom and put on mascra, lip gloss, foundation,and  a little gold eye shadow. My hair gets done in beach wave curls and I spray a little bit of gold glitter in it. Lastly i top of the whole outfit with gold strips under my eyes. 

   Youre probably wondering why im getting so dressed up for just practice, well right after practice is the game and usually Matt doesnt let me go home to get ready.   

  I walk downstairs and everyones gone, must of went home and got ready. Matts on the couch on his phone. "Ready?" he asks as im grabbing my game day cross body bag. Its maroon and gold with zebra stripes on it, my initials are in the corner in diamonds. Inside it holds; my phone,money, our schools cheer bow, and a charm braclete with a football on it that Matt got me when i turned 16 and told me to only wear it on pratices and on game day, so thats what i do. "Yup. Lets go" I say and grab his duffle and helment. 

     We walk to Matts jeep and i thow his stuff in the trunk. Koleton comes over and hopps in, he too is wearing a uniform. "Woah. Since when are you on the team?" I ask as Matt pulls out of the driveway. "Since today" Matt replies. Kole just nods. I get a text from Lilli that says; "Pick me up? "Matti willn you drop by Lilli's?" I ask. "Shell have to squeeze in because i have to pick up Tristin and Danny" He says. I just say and say okay."Be there in a bit" I text her. 

     First we stop by Tristin's, than Lilli's, and last Danny's. We all managed to squeeze in. On our way we stop at the gas station to grab some gas. Me and Lilli go to pay while Matt pumps. "Why are you wearing his hoodie?" Lilli asks me. I hand the cashier money. "Matts wasnt clean" I simply reply. "Thank you have a nice day" The cashier says. I nod and we head back to the car. "How? Youre the only one who wears it and i havent seen you wear it in a while" She says. "I wore it to Treavers bonfire last Saturday and Danny took a can of silly string and put it all over me and the hoodie" I say and get in the car. She nodds her head. 

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