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Jacie and her beautiful white horse, Pegasus, galloped around the large, green field of the Hoffman's big property. Riding was really her only way to find peace in these troubled times. It reminded her of when things were okay, or at least, better, and her and Pegasus would do show jumping, dressage, western, and every kind of horsey thing you can think of. Sighing, she finally stopped by the fence where Jonathan was standing and watching her.

"Any better?" He asked, his bright hazel eyes full of worry.

Jacie remained silent for a while, then shrugged. "The panicking stopped... for now."

Jonathan gave her a smile of apology for her problem, then held out his hand. "Come on. Jason should be back with the new kids by now. We should go meet them."

Jacie nodded, knowing he was right. She couldn't stay out here forever, even though she wished she could. Slowly, she slid off her beautiful stallion, taking his bridal off so he could roam the pasture freely with Jonathan's horses. "Until tomorrow, buddy."

She turned to Jonathan and climbed over the fence, taking his hand as she went. "Let's hope the new arrivals are in better condition than the last group."

"Yeah," Jonathan replied gravely, but then pasted a smile on his handsome face. "Even if they aren't, they're safe now."

The young couple turned the corner of the house to find that Jason and Brian were just pulling into the driveway with their large, grey van. "How do you always know when they'll be here?" Jacie raised her eyebrows questioningly.

Jonathan shrugged. "I'm just that awesome."

Giggling, she let go of his hand to run up to Jason and give him a hug. "How did it go?"

"Better than expected," Jason replied, but his expression was anything but happy. "Jacie... we found something that is... greatly troubling."


The door nearest them slid open to reveal a girl around the same age of Jacie. She had dirty blonde hair like Jacie, brown eyes like Jacie, same build as Jacie, and... the same face as Jacie.

"Now I've seen it all," Jonathan said in pure astonishment and wonder, wishing that what he just witnessed was only his imagination.

"That's not all," Brian told them.

A man stepped out of the van. He had dirty blond hair, dark blue eyes, a handsome, serious face and nice build. He almost looked familiar in a way. 

When his eyes landed on her, he smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Jacie! I haven't seen you since you were a baby!"

She glanced at Jason with a look saying, 'Help me!'

The man finally let go of her and smiled. "I'm Mike, your uncle."

Jacie's eyes widened. She hadn't known she had another uncle! Actually, she didn't really know anything about her family. That's when she realized that he looked somewhat like her mother, Nicky. With unbelief, Jacie took a step back. "What is happening?"

Jacie Baker: Alliance (A Jason Bourne Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now