Chapter One

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Jacie did not take her eyes off of her clone or twin or whatever she was the whole first three days she was there. Jonathan and Brian tried to assure her things would be okay, but since Jason never said anything like that, she did not believe it. She knew this was very odd, and it could mean that they were not the only ones like her. That made her wonder. Was she just a clone? Was Nicky really her mother? Were there hundreds like her without her knowing it? Was she just part of an army created to do just what her Uncle Liam was trying to do?

So far, they had found twelve kids with the same genetic engineering as Jacie. Some had been created by Liam himself, others from some program Jason said was called TreadStone. One thing about their plan that confused Jacie was that most of their "assassin" kids were just babies or little children. Were they really going to make them into killing machines at that age or wait for them all to grow up then attack once they're all big and scary like the guys that attack Jason?

Jacie looked down at the cute little two year old on her lap. She had olive colored skin, dark hair, and eyes that were almost black. This was the very baby they had saved from Liam's lab two years ago. Jacie had named her Nikki. She couldn't imagine this beautiful baby girl hurting anybody. She was the sweetest thing in the world!

A warm breeze brushed passed the two sitting in the garden together where Nikki liked to play and catch butterflies. The garden was full of various flowers and plants. It reminded Jacie of a fairytale. That was part of the reason she liked to come here. She could just imagine living in a nice fairytale where things were safe and okay and everyone was happy.

Then, she saw her. Her evil twin, Jasmine, or at least, that's the name she had been given by Jacie's Uncle, Mike. She was just exiting the large, two story house with Brielle, Adam, and Jack, the moodiest of all the kids here, and the oldest. Brielle had fair skin, blonde hair and dark eyes, Jack was very pale with freckles and dark red hair, while Adam had black hair and bright blue eyes. For some reason, they really liked Jasmine.

"Come on, Jasmine!" Brielle urged. "Jacie never plays basketball with us because she's too busy taking care of the babies."

Jasmine smiled. "All right, just for a minute."

With a hmph, Jacie scooped Nikki up into her arms and carried her into the house. Jonathan wasn't here today. He had to go back to his house so his parents wouldn't suspect anything. This place was actually Jonathan's summer home, one they had just recently built. Lucky for everyone here, summer was over and they had a few months before Jonathan's family would come here. Hopefully by then, they could find a new place.

Doctor Steven Richards was at the large island, cutting some vegetables. Uncle Mike stood at the stove, stirring some kind of soup. Steven was usually their cook. This guy was not only good in treating wounds, sicknesses, or creating genetically engineered humans, he was a professional chef as well. What could this guy not do?

"Here you go, baby," Jacie said, setting Nikki down. "Go ahead and play with Ivy and Matthew until dinner. I have to do some things."

Nikki hated when Jacie left her and Jacie hated to, but this was important. First, she made sure Nikki was playing with the other youngest kids before zooming up the stairs and out onto the balcony where she could have a clear view of Jasmine and the older kids playing together. She took a seat on the sun chair and positioned herself comfortably, not sure how long she would have to sit here.

Jasmine was laughing and joking with the kids. It was creepy to see her. She looked exactly like Jacie. There was no way they were twins. Jasmine had to be a clone... or perhaps, Jacie was the clone. She let out a groan and rubbed her tired eyes. "Why?"

"Are you okay, Jacie?" A voice asked from behind her.

She flipped around to see Uncle Mike standing in the doorway of the sliding glass doors. "You seemed like something was bothering you, so I just wanted to come check on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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