Chapter sixteen-An unwanted visitor.

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Heeey dolls!

So what did you think of the last chapter and Ally Rose's name?

An unwanted visior in this chapter.

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Love you all

Charlotte xoxo.

Its been a week since me and Jake welcomed the most perfect little girl into our lives. She currently looks about two months old. Which is a much faster growth rate than Grandpa predicted,

'Heeeey little baby! heeey gorgeous girl' I cooed at her picking her up from her cot. She giggled when Jake pulled funny faces at her. She was so unique.

''I love you Ness, and Ally Rose!' Jake said beofre taking her off me to change her nappy. I went downstairs to prepare Ally' Rose's bottle and Uncle Emmett suddenly looked concerned.

'Whats wrong Uncle Emm'?' I asked walking over to him.

'Alice just rang and said she had a vision about Jane coming here in about a day to 'see' AllyRose.' He said wrapping his arms around me.

'Jake! come down here.' I yelled.

'What is it Ness?' He asked kissing my forehead.

'Jane's coming.' I replied. 'Their coming to 'see' AllyRose.' I explained.

'When?' He asked passing my baby to me.

'Tomorrow.' I said.

'Ok. We will just do our normal day today and worry about it when she comes. Im going in the next room to watch the baseball with Jasper and Emmett.' Jake said. I agreed with him, but wondered how he could be so calm about the whole thing.

'So what do you wanna do today baby?' I said giggling.

'Momma!' She said. My mouth droped! She just said her first words.

'Say it again Ally!' I cooed.

'Momma!' she said pointing at me and taking hostage of my hair with her free hand.

'Grandma, can you get the play mat out please?' I called to her from the living room.

'Of course!' Grandma said. She came in with a jungle style mat and laid it out on the floor. I placed Ally on it and she started waving her hands and feet around. I played with her for a while, pulling funny faces and playing with her rattles. When she looked like she was about to doze off i out her on my lap and sat on the sofa with her. Without me realizing it she was trying to stand up.

'Go on baby, all the way!' I cooed at her. She was fully standing up, using all her stregnth to hold onto me and then she fell back down. 'Good Job!' i said picking her up and kissing her. She was much more advanced than i would have ever thought.

'Jake come here!' I yelled.

'Yeah Ness.' He asked coming over to sit by me.

'Look what she can do!' I said. Once again AllyRose lifted herself up and fell back down again. 'Oh and look what she can say, go on baby.' I cooed.

'Momma' She said giggling. 'Daddy!' She added. This time both of our mouths dropped. Jake picked her up swooping her around the living room in the 'airplane' style. I told Jake to go back to the baseball as i was about to give her a bottle and put her for a nap. She went off to sleep in no time and slept for four hours. In that time and and momma were discussing what i was like during the pregnancy for her, and what i was like as a baby. She told me that the pregnancy was hell and when i was a baby i was so well behaved and advanced. Daddy said i couldnt be more perfect.

By the time we had finished talking it was 10pm. And only then she was waking up from her sleep. I was sitting on Jakes lap when she woke. I leant in the cot and picked her up. I sat back on Jake and cradeled her. Me and Jake wasnt able to sleep as we were starting to worry about tomorrow and Janes visit.  I really wasnt something we wanted.

It was 8am before we knew it and Ally had slept through the night once again. But suddenly the door knocked. It was Jane.

'Ahh Jane, please come in!' Grandpa said greeting her friendly. 'So what can we do for you today?' He added.

'Im here to make sure your latest editioin to the family isnt a threat to us.' She said walking towards me cradeling her.

'May i see her?' She asked. Her face seemed to light up as she rocked her back and forth 'shshing' her. This was a whole new side to her. 'What is she Vampire or werewolf?' She asked.

'Well, she will be a pale werewolf and might have a power.' I said as she passed her back to me.

'And how do i know she will not be a vampire growing up?' She asked.

'Well we would of noticed her biting us by now, but she hasnt so everything seems to be  like Carlisle said.' Momma replied.

'Well ok then, but i will be sent to see her every three months to check up on her and make sure your story is as you say it is. Goodbye.' She simply stated and ran off. It was a releif that she seemed to like AllyRose, but it worried me that she would be coming to see us every three months. Jake wrapped his arms around me and said everything will be fine.  Our little girl was so perfect and harmless and nothing was ever going to change that.

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