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Touya's earlier bravado seeps away as he finds himself standing in front of his childhood manor, Hawks stands beside him- lacing his fingers behind his neck and gives a low whistle.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you could've been my sugar daddy."

"You forgot the part where I ran away and got cut out of Endeavor's will... If I was ever on it to begin with. Sorry. No money for you, birdie." Hawks feigns a pout but quickly smiles back up at Touya.

"One day I'll be able to live the life of luxury, eh?" Touya snorts and gently pushes Hawks away from him.

"In your dreams." Both men fall quiet again and Touya takes in a deep breath, trying to remind himself that they're here for a reason.

"Hey," Hawks rests a hand on Touya's shoulder and gives him a reassuring grin, "I'll be right here with you. Stop freaking out."

"'M not freaking out." Hawks rolls his eyes and thwacks Touya on the back with one of his wings- pushing him closer towards the large front door.
"Then go up there and knock on the door."

Easier said than done Touya thinks bitterly.

With Hawks cheering him on from behind, Touya takes a step forward. Another and another until the large front door is looming over him. He swallows down his worried thoughts and brings up a hand- tentatively brushing a finger over the dip in the doorbell for a moment before pressing it in. Touya hears a distant chime and then silence.
It's nearly overbearing having to wait in those few suspended moments of silence before the front door slides open to reveal a smiling Fuyumi.

"Touya!" She gathers him into a tight hug and after a second's pause, Touya hugs her back just as tightly. Fuyumi lets go of Touya and peers over his shoulder and gives a small wave to Hawks before looking back up at Touya with an amused expression. Touya awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat.

"So-" Fuyumi waves him off and starts to smile, motioning them to follow her into the large manor. Touya and Hawks take off their shoes and Touya takes a moment to look around the inside of the house, taking in a deep breath. Everything is just the same as he remembered, it's nearly strange that over ten years- nothing has changed, yet, at the same time- everything has changed.

"You know father," Fuyumi replies as if reading Touya's mind, "He's not one for change." Touya notices Hawks taking a curious look around the and even picks up a lone picture frame that catches his attention. Touya decides not to look over Hawks' shoulder to see the photo and instead wonders if his room is still the same or if Endeavor decided to burn everything inside to eradicate Touya from memory.

"Natsu should be getting home soon from college," Fuyumi pauses and plays with a stray strand of hair, "Shouto is here though... if you would like to see him?" Touya feels the stares from both Fuyumi and Hawks, he rests his weight against a wall and crosses his arms with what he hopes is a confident smile.

"Wouldn't hurt to see the squirt again." He tastefully decides not to mention the time he stole one of Shouto's friends during their summer camp and had a nice little reunion with his little brother for a grand total of five minutes. Judging from the expressions from both Fuyumi and Hawks- they're clearly recalling Touya's stunt. Thankfully, neither say anything. Touya can tell that Hawks wants to crack a joke about who knows what from the smile he hides behind a gloved hand.

"Okay, why don't you head to the living room while I go and get Shouto." Touya narrows his eyes as he sees the smallest hint of a smile on Fuyumi's lips. Hawks whispers something to her and she stifles a giggle before heading down one of the hallways. Touya turns his glare to Hawks, who rolls his eyes at Touya and throws an arm over Touya's shoulders with a big grin.

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