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 Wise men wrote many books, in words too hard to understand. But this, the purpose of  our lives, the end of all our struggle, is beyond all human wisdom.

 There are only three events in a man's life; birth, life, and death; he is not conscious

 of being born, he dies in pain, and he forgets to live. To live, is to be slowly born.

 I don't care how long I live. Over this, I have no control, but I do care about what kind of

 life I live, and I can control this. I may not live but for five minutes, it will be five 

 minutes definitely on my terms. Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much

 matter what you do in particular,  so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that

 what have you had?. Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.

 Not everyone's life is what they make it. Some people's life is what other people make it.

 The art of it all is the art of avoiding pain. Pain is life—the sharper, the more evidence 

 of life. A useless life is an early death.  Men deal with life as children with their play, Who 

 first  misuse, then cast their toys away.  Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts

 to  display qualities which he does not  possess, and to gain applause which he cannot  keep. 

 To preserve a man alive in the midst of so many chances and hostilities, is as great as a

 miracle as to create him. The trouble with life isn't that there is no answer, it's that there 

 are so many answers. Living well and beautifully and  justly are all one thing. There  is no 

 wealth but life.  when you don't have any money,  the problem is food. When  you have

 money, it's  sex. When you have both it's health... If everything is simply jake then you're 

 frightened of  death. All interest in disease and death is only another expression of interest 

 in life. Every moment dies a man, Every moment one is born. The whole life of  man is but a 

 point of time; let us enjoy it, therefore, while it  lasts, and  not spend it to no purpose.

 The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming

 on.    I'm always convinced that life is a dream. What ever happenes is surely a dream.

 Is life worth living? They say it is a question for an embryo, not for a man because

 Life is a dusty corridor, Shut at both ends,it is a fatal complaint, and an eminently

 contagious one, it is a gamble, at terrible odds—if it was a bet, you wouldn't take it.

it is a school of probability, a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.

 it is made of marble and mud, a one long process of getting tired. Life is the art of 

 drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.  Life itself is a mystery which

 defies solution. Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so. it is the only art that we are 

 required to practice without preparation, and without being  allowed the preliminary trials,

 the failures and botches, that are essential for training. 

 This world is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.

 What a fine comedy this world would be if one did not play a part in it! because it is a game

 that must be played. 

 Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it 

 should be!. 

 The love of life is necessary to the vigorous prosecution of any undertaking. Your whole life

 is on the other side of the glass. And there is somebody(GOD) watching.

           Spare all what you have but don't ever spare your life.                                                                            

LIFE: THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE (june 2nd '06)Where stories live. Discover now