Falling, Falling

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After a long day filled with classes, Octavia met up with her friend after school, at her locker. 

"You ready to go to the Library, Willow? We have reading to do for Biology." Octavia asked Willow with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Actually do you mind if we study at my house? My dad wants me to finish cleaning the house before the social worker comes tonight." Willow glanced over her shoulder at her best friend.

"Fat cunts!" Was a taunt thrown towards them, but they ignored the insult and resumed their conversation. 

"I'm okay with going to your house. As long as next time we go to the library to study, your siblings are so loud." Willow sighed loudly and covered her ears, whining. "Selene whines about her hair and nails so much!"

Willow laughed and put half her books in her locker then slung her backpack over her shoulder.  "Lets go, The social worker gets to my house at 6pm and its currently 2:30." The two girls headed down to the bike rack that was abandoned save for two bikes, which they grabbed and rode off towards the redhead's house.  

They made it to Willow's house before the clocktower struck 3pm.  Octavia then waited for Willow to get out her keys and unlock the door. When they opened the maroon colored oak door, they were greeted by Willow's younger siblings running about the house, screaming and crying.  The youngest, a small toddler came running up to Willow begging to be held.  Willow grabbed the small brunette and settled him on her hip. 

"Selene! Micheal! Where is dad?" She called out into the abyss of the living room. 

"He's still at work! He said he had to work overtime! MICHEAL GIVE ME BACK MY HAIR CLIP!" Selene screamed. 

"Micheal give her back her hairclip! You're in charge of the kitchen and your bedroom! Go!" Willow yelled, getting irritated. "Selene, work on the bathrooms and your bedroom. I have the rest of the house, quickly! Mrs. Cabott gets here in 3 hours!" 

In record timing the children were completed with cleaning the house and sat down on couches exhausted. Willow dressed everyone nicely, Selene and herself were wearing nice dresses, and the boys were wearing button ups and jeans. Octavia kept checking her watch for Willow as the latter paced the small living room. Her father was still not home and Mrs. Cabot pulled up. 

Willow turned to her siblings as she waited for the knocks. "Selene please go work on your homework, and Micheal please watch Malachai in his room. Just until Mrs. Cabott leaves." She told them quietly then watched them sneak off into said rooms. The loud swift knocks sounded and she answered them, with a large smile. 

"Willow! How nice to see you again!"

"Good to see you too, Mrs. Cabott. Please come in." Willow let the short, stocky woman into her freshly cleaned home. 

"Dear, where is your father? We have things to discuss." Mrs. Cabot glanced around the clean living room before trekking to the kitchen, and also the bathrooms.  "So clean!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Cabott, but our father is currently at work. He had to work overtime today." Willow told the social worker, followed by a small grimace, "Selene, Micheal and I finished the housework today." 

"By yourselves?" To which Willow nodded. 

The social worker than checked on Selene, who was working on math, when she peered in, then to the boys.  Mrs. Cabott soon left, after assuring Willow everything was fine.

Her father got home 15 minutes after Mrs. Cabott left and as soon as he had shut the door he went ballistic on Willow. Octavia hid behind a sofa as Willow's father entered the kitchen where they were eating. 

"Willow Isla! How dare you!" He shouted getting close to her face. 

"What did I do?" Willow tried to back up but she ran into the oven. 

"You told the Social worker that I wasn't here! I told you to turn on the shower and tell her I'm in there. Can you do anything right?!" He got in her face and raised his hand. "I should beat you for how disrespectful you've been since you turned 18!" 

"Mr. Jeremiah! I wouldn't do that!" Octavia came out from her hiding place. "I've been recording this whole thing. How dare you treat your daughter like this."

"Don't get involved, you brat!" He pushed her to the floor. "Willow, if you do not shape up, there is going to be some disciplinary actions against you! Now get out of my sight!"  Willow ran quickly from her father and grabbed Octavia. Both girls got on their bikes and rode off. 

A few blocks from Willow's house, Willow began crying and therefore, Octavia began to do stupid things to get her to smile. 

"Willow. Willow! Look at me!" Willow turned herself slightly to glance behind her and began laughing as she watched Octavia stand on her pedals and swerve her bike. 

"Octavia, You're going to get hurt!" Willow warned. 

"Willow, I'm a motherfucking bird!" Willow gasped audibly, when Octavia hit her arm on a tall birdhouse. Willow winced as she heard Octavia's body hit the concrete. 

"Are you alright?" Willow asked stopping herself and getting off her silver bike. 

"Oh, yeah, just fine. Considering I just fell off a fucking bike onto hard concrete. At least the grass caught my head." Octavia lay on the ground whining before getting up to her feet. "I think I'm going to have to call my mom. Ow." Octavia held her back. 

Unbeknownst to them, tendrils of an unknown black and gold energy swirled behind them, snaking up their ankles.  Willow was suddenly dragged back and away from Octavia. Octavia watched in horror as Willow's head was hit against the sidewalk and pulled into the mass of energy. Octavia felt herself be pulled and bit roughly onto her tongue as her chin met the concrete ground. Octavia's vision became fuzzy as she screamed for help. 

Then the girls were gone.

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