At home

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"FUCK YOU" the explosive boy exclaimed at you. "FUCK YOU TOO YOU OVERCONFIDENT IDIOT" you shouted. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" He grabbed your shirt pulling you and raising his fist. "THATS ENOUGH" your mom grabs both of you and seperates you. Both of you grumble. "CANT YOU TWO JUST GET ALONG?!". Your mom sighs "Just go to your rooms and sleep, your first day of school is tomorrow" she says. Both of you glare at each other, grumbling.

Your mom lets both of you go as the two of you walks into your rooms. "Stupid brother" you mumble. You flop onto the bed and sleep.

~ In the morning ~
"(Y/n) wake up" your sleepy explosive brother shakes you, rubbing his eyes and yawning. You grumble, rolling on your bed, wanting to sleep more. "Waaakee uppp brat" Your brother shakes you a bit more aggresively. "Ugghhh" you get up and stretch your arms as your brother leaves your room. You take a shower and then wear your uniform. "Why does it have to be a skirt?" You sigh as you look at yourself in the mirror.

You walk out of your room, walking to the dining room to eat. You eat some cereals. You feel a chunk of cereal hit your face. You look at your brother amd you see him quickly puting his spoon in the bowl, whistling. You continue to eat and then you feel another chunk hit your face. You look at your brother and finally caught him aiming at you.

You flick his cup of orange juice while he was busy eating. The cup falls and then spills orange juice on the table. Your mom sees the spilt liquid on the table "Bakugou clean that up you clumsy dumbass". Bakugou looks at you, furrowing his eyebrows and growling at you. He wipes the orange juice off the table.

Both of you grab your bags and walk out of the house as you hear your mom "Have a good day and stay out of trouble both of you".

~leh timeskip to school/U.A.~

Both of you were walking together. You see izuku freaking out after seeing bakugou. Bakugou says something threatening, still walking. You pat izuku's back as you were about to say something but you were cut off by your brother "hurry up brat, and i dont want to see you talking to that damn nerd" he says. You just flip him off "you cant tell me what to do" you say "whatever" he replies. You look at izuku "im sorry izuku-kun he's really that much of an asshole" you apologize "its okay.." he replies. "(Y/n) come on!" You hear your brother growl. "See yah" you run to your brother and continue walking until you reach class 1-A.

You walk in and you were greeted by a blue haired boy that was wearing glasses "Hello there, i am Tenya Lida. Welcome to class 1-A" He says " (y/n) (l/n)" you just say. Your brother just walks past him and sit down,putting his feet on the table.

Lida sees your brother's position "excuse me" he says to you as he runs to bakugou, lecturing him. You sit next to a boy that had red and white hair.

Oof cliffhanger
My head hurts
Imma try to update quicklh

Bakugou Katsuki's Little sister (bnha reader insert) READ DESC Where stories live. Discover now