Part three

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(I might accidentaly change some things because my memory sucks and i cant remember most of what happened so i hope you enjoy)
You walk to the cafeteria, bringing your food. "Hey (Y/N)!!" You hear a familiar voice call you. You turn around to see uraraka, deku and Iida sitting. Uraraka was waving at you, smiling. You walk to theyre direction but you get interrupted by a hand on your shoulder, slightly crushing it. You turn around to see your brother, Bakagou. "Are you really going to sit with those extras?" He asks, looking as annoyed as always. "Yeah why? Got a problem?" You ask sternly. "Do you expect me to let my sister sit with such nerds?!" "Fuck off i interact with anyone i want, you can't control me". He growls "I'm your older brother so you should listen to me!" "Just because you're my bigger brother doesn't mean you have to control my life!" You yell, causing people to look at you two. "I just don't want you to end up like them!" He yells back "I don't wanna end up like you!!" You yell and storm off. You hear him grumble.

You sit down next to Uraraka grumbling and setting your food on the table. Akward silence..

"You okay, (Y/N)?" Uraraka asks.

"Yeah im fine" you said looking at your food, frowning. "S-So what was that about w-with you and kacchan?" Midoriya shakily asks. "Oh nothing, it's just him trying to control whatever i do just to be like him" you sigh. "He looks like an asshole but i think he cares about you too" Uraraka says.

"I agree, your brother seems to want you to be successful in his way" Iida says.

"Well, his way just sucks" you say.

You talk about some other stuff until the bell rang.

Three of you walks back to the classroom, sitting on your chairs.

"IM-" you hear a kind of recognizable voice.



Everyone seems surprised.

"I will be your teacher" all might says. "Grab your costumes and change! We will be doing an activity" he adds.

You walk to where the costumes were placed. You grab your costume and walked to the locker room.

You changed into the costume.

(It will look alot like your brother's)

You had a dark red tight shirt, black long sleeved dry fit shirt under it, some black tights, a smoke mask? and some gear on your shoulders aswell as your elbows and your knees. (idk how to design this im so sorry) You had gear on your wrists that looked like bombs.

You asked suggestions from your brother before you requested the costume.

You walk out of the locker room.

You somehow stumbled upon Uraraka and Izuku.

"Oh hey (Y/N)" they both say. "Hey." You reply. "You look cool!" Uraraka said "Y-yeah, you kinda look like kacchan" midoriya said.

"Eh, i asked for some suggestions" you say.

"You both look cool! I only requested tights.." Uraraka said looking embarrased. "The hero course is the best" You hear a smol grape looking pervert say.

You "accidentaly" kicked him. "Oh oops sorry, thought you were something else" you tell him.

Uraraka was laughing while grape head was on the floor , groaning.

Oof im so sorry it's short, i don't have much ideas.
I'll try to post more if i have the motivation.

Bye fren!

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