Chapter two

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Blaze slowly woke up, yawning widely from what had to be the best sleep of his life. He smiled gently, seeing Spike out cold in his bed, snoring lightly. When he shifted, he blushed when he realized something.

-sex scene ahead! Skip if you want!-

Blaze blushed when he realized he had morning wood, making a large bulge in his blanket. Seeing Spike was still asleep, Blaze debated on either or not to take care of it, not wanting to wake up Spike on accident. Shrugging, he tossed off the blankets, revealing his rock hard cock.

“I see you got an issue,” a voice said, making Blaze jump, startled. He turned and saw Dragoon standing there, smirking as he looked at Blaze's shaft. Blaze didn't know what to do, blushing a little as Dragoon moved to him, soon getting on his knees, his eyes gleaming when he saw it twitch.

“Umm… Dragoon? Are you, uh…,” Blaze began, blushing deeply as he tried to word his question. “Gay? Yeah. Now, try to keep it down while I work, okay?” Dragoon said with a wink so hot Blaze swore he got harder as he nodded. Dragoon smirked, licking his lips as he grasped Blaze's cock, getting a gasp from Blaze; his paw was soft! “I see you have quite the big pair~ Hope you can fill me up!” Dragoon murred before taking Blaze's cock into his mouth, getting a low moan out of Blaze as he started to suck on him.

Blaze clamped his jaws shut as Dragoon sucked on him with a grace that made the Typlosion look sloppy. Blaze bit his tongue from moaning, only placing a paw on his friends head, his cock pulsing dangerously as Dragoon showed off his talents by taking all of Blazes thick, hard cock into a deepthroat, massaging his balls as skillful as could be, knowing just what to do to make Blaze feel all the better.

Blaze groaned, holding Dragoon down as he bucked into the grass types throat, starting to face fuck him, a low groan escaping him. 'Damn he is good at this! I am about to blow already!’ Blaze thought to himself, trying to fight it off, but could feel it gathering in his sack, his balls swelling slightly from the built upload.

He tried to warn Dragoon, but he only got out a strangled moan as he came what felt harder than ever before in his life. Dragoons eyes widened as he felt it blasting down his throat, moaning deeply around Blaze's cock as he felt his belly start to rapidly expand.

'So… good!’ Blaze thought, groaning slightly louder when he saw Dragoons belly inflate, getting turned on because of it. He didn't let up, moaning softly as he saw his friend grow larger and larger, growling with desire as a low creak came from Dragoons belly. Dragoon moaned loud around his cock, seeming willing to burst for him.

What stopped him, was a snort from Spike, reminding them he was still there, if asleep still. That ended Blaze's orgasm early, Dragoons belly looking like it was about to blow, a deep red, as if angry it couldn't explode. Dragoon pulled off, moaning gently, seeming content as he slowly got on his feet, his belly bigger than Blazes. “Gunna go… deflate… be back in a while,” Dragoon got out, stumbling his way to the bathroom, a loud 'sloshing’ sound coming from his belly as he did.

Suddenly, the TV turned on, startling Blaze. A fierce looking Lucario stood there, his ice blue eyes seeming to glare into Blazes, a blank look on his face. “Hello, one and all! I do hope that, as competitors in the tournament, you are comfortable in your rooms. It is Tim to announce the rules for this tournament,” Seto said, his voice clear and strong.

“I am sure you are all wondering why there are three beds to a room. The Pokemon sharing a room will be teammates for the tournament. Today will be a day of getting to know each other and strategies, and preparation for tomorrow.

“Tomorrow, if you are selected for dueling, staff will escort you to your duel arena for your match. A panel of judges will be watching, grading your score in the event of a draw, ” Kaiba explained. “Now, for those of you who are having… private time, I don't care, as long as you are not harassing others, it is permitted. Any form of sexual harassment will be immediate disqualifications from the tournament and arrest, ” Kaiba said.

“There is a rule book in each of the bedstands, listing all the rules of the hotel. Good luck; you are going to need it, ” Kaiba said as the screen turned off on its own. Blaze sight, putting on a pair of underwear. “Spike, buddy! Wake up; time to get dressed, ” Blaze said, going over and shaking Spike gently. Slowly, Spike woke up, only to blush deeply, as Blaze's bulge was right next to his face.

“Okay, okay, ” Spike said, slowly getting up, yawning. Blaze headed to his own closet, to get dressed for the day.


“So, what are the plans for today?” Spike asked. “Well, I guess we just figure out how to use all of our decks strengths and cover the weaknesses the best we can,” Blaze said as they walked to the cafeteria, other duelists there already, some even dueling, but analog. “Let's get some grub; I am starving!” Spike said, getting Blaze and Dragoon to laugh, shaking there heads as they took a seat at one of the few open tables. A waiter walked over to them, giving them menus.

After getting some drinks of white and chocolate milk, the settled on what they wanted to eat. “Pancakes sounds good,” Blaze decided, going with blueberry syrup for them. “Eh, everything sounds good,” Spike said, getting an eye roll from Spike and Dragoon. “I won't eat. I am good for now,” Dragoon replied, blushing gently as Blaze laughed, very well knowing the reason why.

As the waiter came back, they placed their orders, though the Lucario jaw dropped when Spike ordered one of everything on the menu. “Okay… JOEY WHEELER SPECIAL!” the Lucario yelled. Blaze and Dragoon grinned as the Lucario left. “So, what to go through my deck and I go through yours?” Blaze asked Dragoon, who nodded.

Going through Dragoons deck, Blaze was stunned at the flow power of the deck. “Damn dude! Your deck is awesome!” Blaze said, knowing the rules of pendulum monsters, but never using them himself. “I know. It took me a while, but I built this deck from the ground up!” Dragoon replied. “Your deck is pretty good too; I see you really use spell counters a lot to your advantage!” Dragoon commented as they handed each other's deck back to the other.

When they received there food, Spike having to move to a new table for all of his, Blaze and Dragoon talked while the fire type ate. “In all honesty, I never would have thought you were, you know, gay,” Blaze said, meaning it as a decent surprise. “Yeah, well, same here for you. I thought you would have had girlfriend after girlfriend by this point; I seriously expected you to bring a female in and bang her brains out. Sorry, but you are handsome as hell!” Dragoon said, blushing, not really meaning to say that.

Blaze blushed two, smiling to Dragoon gently. “Thanks. You look amazing too,” Blaze replied with a smile. As they talked, Blaze overheard someone say something that caught his attention.

“Blue eyes Ultimate Dragon! Attack my opponent with Neutron Stream of Destruction!” a voice declared. Looking behind him, he saw  lyncrorock dueling a Lucario, who looked devastated as, apparently, his life points hit zero. The crowd that was around them departed as the Lycrorck picked up his cards, his opponent doing the same.

“Who is that?” Blaze asked as the waiter returned with there food, interested. “That is Rocky Shade. No one really knows much about him, other than he is relentless in his duels, ” the waiter responded as he refilled each beverage before leaving to attend to another table.

When they were all done, Blaze suggested they split up. “We can all see the competition more that way, ” he explained as he got up, Dragoon and Spike nodding.”Meet up at the room later tonight, ” Blaze told them as they separated, knowing that today was going to be interesting...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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