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   I open my eyes, in an empty room that was covered in silence, the roof that had a single lightbulb filled me with some kind of strange feeling that i could not explain.... i felt uneasy, i shuffled myself out of bed and stand on my feet hopeing to shake that feeling off my chest, but i could not, i felt like every sound i made even the most subtle was amplified and was loud enough to be heard down the street of the apartment complex... but that could not be a thing, i lived in New York City, at this time people are heading out to work people are leaving their apartments, someone must me making a sounds... someone... i turn my head at the window in my room, and with some sort of panic i look out of it. My eyes could not believe it, the streets of New York were empty, no soul in sight, the world felt like it had stopped and i was the only one who could see it. The uneasiness in my chest grew bigger, i took my phone and started sending texts to my friends and family as i moved to the living room to turn the tv on and see if news had something about this, maybe i could get an answer.

   My heart dropped to the sound that came next.




The following message is transmitted at the requested by the federal aviation administration, an unidentified air craft has been located near the state of New York the aircraft is assumed to be be foreign, and may cause a threat to those in the area. More will be provided as information becomes available.

   I could not move, my mind went blank and my heart felt like it had stopped. Time felt like it had stopped even more, my body and my head were not reacting, what was i supposed to do, where was i supposed to go. Then time began to move ones more by the snapping sound that woke me up.






The following message is transmitted at the request of the government of the united states, the north american arrow space command detected three ICBMs lunched from an unknown position. All three missiles are expected to make contact with New York within 2 hrs, anyone within a 4000 mile radius of this state is in a significant risk of fallout, anyone in this area needs to seek the nearest fallout shelter. This is not a test




   The message repeated itself a few times, i could not keep track of how many i heard, until i finally snapped out of it.

" two hours!!!" i thought to myself

   A rush of adrenaline came down my spine and covered my body, i rushed out of the living room and headed myself to my room and changed into my hiking outfit to move freely, i took my jacket and threw it to the couch in the living room, grabbed my gloves underwear socks and some stuff that will help with hygiene, and stuffed it all in my backpack, i turned quickly and reached under my bed to grab a small box, a safe which had a few gifts from my father that i had never used. A hunting knife that had a wooden handle, and a black 1911 with a matching wooden grip that had an engraving of cross cannons from the Army Field Artillery with a shoulder holster with two extra magazines. I put the holster on me and hoist the weapon, y put the knife on my belt and rush to the kitchen.

   The time that felt like it had stopped now was moving way too fast for me to track, i wasted no more time and stuffed my back pack with medicine food water and some other supplies that might come in hand, my backpack was full, like a small rucksack. i dropped it next to the door and took my wallet, my phone, and my bike keys.

   Time was running out, last time i checked my phone it was 7:30, and now it was 8:40, an hour and ten minutes had passed since i last checked, i did not know how much time i had, but it was little, and it kept  decreasing as the seconds went by, i took my back pack and jacket rushing downstairs, ignoring the elevator, ones i reached the last floor i instantly hopped in my bike and started to head towards..... nowhere, they said fallout shelter but i did not knew where they were located, i kept driving, until i heard a weird sound, breaking through the wind, and i saw it a missile at the distance that was about to make contact with the ground, i instantly turn my bike to the closest sub way station, which was 191st Street i head to the entrance at full speed, and crash in heading down to to the subway area, now a days subways were automatic, so if a train was not there, i was fucked

   I try my best to keep a balance on the bike as im heading down, but ones i see that it was not going to last, i jump off and managed to stay on my feet took that momentum and kept  running down till i was on the waiting platform, the last train was about to leave, i hold my breath and sprint with all my strength, i took my back pack off and i threw it inside and instantly jumped after it, making it by the skin of my neck.

   The subway went inside the tunnel. and then.. the it all just turned balck.

   I open my eyes ones more, and i could not see anything, and all i could hear was a steady ringing on my ears, something warm was going down my cheek and one of my legs was wet with something i could not see bc of the lack of light. maybe it was all just a dream, maybe, it was all just a simple dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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