1-6- Use The Key

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Steam, but not water, filled the room again. Upon clearing, nothing seemed to change, as far as we could tell.

The woman, however, continued to struggle wildly, a scowl visible through the duct tape, jerking her head to the right, against the chains. Her eyes darted back and forth. Was that panic?

"Mal?" Craig said with concern.

"What is it, Craig?" I asked.

"I think she's trying to tell us something," Craig said. "Can you tell where she's looking?"

"No, I can't," I said. "Wait." I carefully watched where she was staring.

Following the woman's gaze, about seven feet off the floor, there was an enclave where there wasn't one before. Could it be?!

"I think that's a door!" I excitedly said.

Craig and I raced over. 

"Can you see anything?" I asked Craig, who was taller than me.

"Hold on," Craig replied. He stood back and leapt to get a better look. He repeated this process a few times. "It's just an alley that leads to nowhere."

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah," he replied.

The woman, rolling her eyes, kept jerking her head towards the new corner of the room.

"She doesn't seem to think so," I said.

I sighed, running over to the table. I picked it up, carrying it to the area beneath the enclave. "I'm going in there," I said.

The woman began nodding vigorously.

Using the table, I was able to, by leaping, grab onto the corner of the enclave, and crawl in. Once I was a few meters in, I realized why it was the woman was so intent for one of us to go in there.

Inside, at the very end of the enclave was a tiny button, labeled "Use the key." From our vantage point, looking upwards, we couldn't have seen the button. Good thing the woman had. 

Something didn't feel right. Anxiety coursed through my veins.

"Craig, I found a button. But something isn't right..."

Craig yelled to me, "Don't worry so much! Just push it!" I pushed it, awaiting the next part of the challenge.

A cement wall sprung up from the entrance of the enclave. I was now trapped, in complete darkness.

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