Time: Hobi

462 20 4

-1 month later from the last Chapter-


Jin pants as he tries to catch up with Hobi's dance moves, ultimately failing and falling over in despair.

"Damn it!" Jin cursed, laying down on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

Hobi sighs in disbelief. "Honestly Jin-Hyung...that was pretty pathetic" Hobi says, having no filter despite being younger than Jin.

Jin glared at Hobi "It's difficult okay. Now leave me alone. I'll catch up to you eventually" Jin says.

Hobi grumbles. "You always say that Hyung...when will it ever be true?. When will you start taking dance seriously and stop pulling this lazy stunt every time you dance with me?." Hobi spits out, grabbing a bottle of water and gulping it down.

Jin suddenly walks over to Hobi, taking the water bottle and throwing it across the room. "Don't you ever use that tone with me again if you want to keep your pathetic life!" Jin snaps, visually angry and upset as the water bottle sprays water all over the dance mirror and the floor.

Hobi's eyes widen, the breath taken away from him swiftly as Jin snaps and yells at him.

"How about you give me some credit!. All of you knew how to do things just five percent more better than me in the beginning so its tough!. And don't act as if you were always a perfect dancer when that isn't true. Let me fail a little!" Jin yells, suddenly storming out of the room in anger.

Hobi stood there, shocked and frightened a bit. "Sh*t..." Hobi whispered to himself, realizing he probably should have just kept quiet, because Jin was right. Everyone else knew how to dance and sing before him, so learning dance moves and new songs are far more stressful and time consuming for Jin.

Hobi looked at himself in the dance mirror before slowly walking out of the practice room.
Jin sighed deeply, deciding that a shower would be a good idea, as it would calm his nerves.

Jin grabbed a towel from a rack in the bathroom, walking to the shower and turning it on so it was at medium.

Jin sighed to himself before stripping and getting into the shower, letting the warm water wash down his face and back.

Jin looked up at the shower head, blindly trying to grab for a soap bar on the side of the shower.

Jin yelped softly as he suddenly got sliced by something. He turned around, realizing he pricked himself on a razor laying were his soap bar usually was.

Jin looked at his now bleeding finger, suddenly stumbling back as the world around him started to change, like the other times before.

Jin closes his eyes as the whole room started to shake. Crawling into a ball on the floor, waiting for it to end.

The shaking quickly stopped to Jin's relief. Jin stood up slowly, looking at his now clothed body.

Jin looked around. He was in a white room, and he could see a big white box in the distance.

Jin knew immediately what he had to do, so he ran to the box as fast as he could run.

Jin panted, arriving at the white box finally. Jin walked to the front of the box, noticing a steel door with a little hole to peak and look through.

Jin peaked through it, seeing Hobi staring back at him.

"I'm sorry...Hyung...but i deserve misery" Hobi says from the other side of the door.

Jin gulps. "You're wrong!" Jin shouts back.

"Nobody needs me...this world doesn't need me...i would rather be here then live a lie" Hobi shouts back again, making Jin's eyes flicker.

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