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Zoey POV:

I walk down to the lower level of the dollhouse and walk outside the front door. There is Maya's hand patiently waiting for me. I hate this part. The part where I willingly let everything be out of my control and my life being in Maya's hands (literally). I know in the back of my mind that I'm completely safe and that she wouldn't let anything happen to me, but I still feel scared. I step onto her squishy soft palm and sit down crossed-legged, giving her the thumbs up to let her know that I'm ready. She smiles and nods, cupping her other hand over the top of me. It is so warm in here, both of her hands radiating heat, it's very comforting. Most of the movement happens when Maya stands up, I sway a little as we walk but mostly maintain my balance. When we finally get to the bed, Maya gently lowers and un-cups her hands. Maya is standing above me, her hair dangling down in front of her face a little. "Hold on a sec, I'm going to go grab the sandwiches," she says, quickly standing up and walking towards the closet where the plate is still laying on the floor. Maya walks back and sits on her bed. I let out an unintentional shriek as her ginormous body comes crashing down next to me, the bed shakes and I try to keep my balance, which is hard on this surface. Maya, alarmed by the scream, quickly looks in my direction to make sure she hadn't just sat on me. She sighs in relief and puts her hand on her chest. "Oh my god, you scared me! I thought I hurt you! I didn't hurt you, right?" "No, I'm fine" I say feeling embarrassed. "Oh good!" She says, lifting her legs up from over the side of the bed, making it shake again. "So, do you want to watch something? Or else we can just chat." I really didn't feel like talking. "We can watch something!" "Okay! What do you want to watch?" "How about Parks and Rec?" "Sure! I love that show!" She slides down to lay on her back. " You won't be able to see from over there, do you want to sit up here?" She says, patting her stomach. "Mmm...sure."  She put her hand by her side and I climb on. She slowly raises her hand up like an elevator, stoping when it's level enough for me to step off. I walk to the center and sit down facing the tv. Suddenly there is a hand next to me holding a sandwich. "Here you go." Maya says, and I take my sandwich from between her thumb and pointer finger. The sandwich is a bit large for me, but that's alright because I'm starving. We sit there silently and watch Parks and Rec. I try not to look at Maya as she takes bites from her sandwich larger than me and crushes them into a pulp. I try not to think about how easily she could crush me between her teeth. After a few minutes I hear Maya's stomach gurgle below me, I tense up thinking about all her food being so effortless tossed around and digested. "Are you okay?" I jump a little and look up to see Maya staring at me. "No yeah I'm fine!" I say, still a little startled. Suddenly her stomach lets out another loud groan and I tense up again. "Sorry, my stomach tends to be a little loud." She says, her face red from embarrassment. "No it's okay!" I say, trying to reassure her. I feel bad about making her self conscious, she can't help it if her stomach makes noise. "You can sit up her if it's making you uncomfortable." She says, patting her chest. I think I would be more comfortable away from the gurgling, so I start walking up towards her chest. I climb over her mountains of boobs and stop right above them. I can feel Maya's breath as she breaths in and out through her nose. I regret coming up here, being so close to her mouth just makes me uneasy. Maya looks away from me and back to the tv, taking a bite of her sandwich. I watch in horror as she so nonchalantly grinds her food into mush. I can hear her chewing so clearly, the sounds of tongue pushing the food to either side of her mouth to be crushed. Suddenly Maya stops, looks down at me, and swallows her food. "Seriously, are you okay?" I try to collect myself to answer her, but the words are caught in my throat. "I'm sorry...it's just.... your mouth scares me a little." She furrows her eyebrows in confusion. I feel so stupid for saying this. "What do you mean?" She asks, obviously very confused. "It's just that every time I see your mouth.. I imagine you eating me." I say, looking down at my feet. She gasps and covers her mouth. "You know I would never even think about doing something like that." She says gently. "I know.. but what if something happened by accident? You wouldn't even notice me in there." At this point my voice is shaking and I feel like I'm on the verge of tears. I'm so defenseless and even someone as caring as Maya could hurt me on accident. Maya frowns and shakes her head, "I would never let that happen. Trust me." "Okay, I'll trust you." I say with a shaky smile. Then Maya gently stroke my hair a couple times, this made me feel slightly like some kind of pet, but at the same time was very comforting. Just then there is a loud knock at the door, and before I can even take in what's happening, Maya pulls a blanket over me and I am plunged into darkness.

Maya POV:
Zoey is acting so weird and I know it's because of me. Everything I do is so amplified for her, which would honestly make me uneasy too. I don't want her to feel like I'm watching her, so I try to ignore her and watch the tv. But as I take a bite of my sandwich, I notice that her little body is stiff and I can feel her little eyes watching me. When I look over she is quite clearly upset about something, so I ask her what's wrong. She tells me that she keeps imaging me eating her, which horrifies me. I would never in a million years eat her, I don't eat meat in general, let alone a tiny human being. I try to reassure her, but she brings up a good point: what if it were to happen on accident? I hate the idea of this possibility, but I question if she is small enough that I wouldn't feel her. Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I note to myself that I should probably check all of my food before eating it, just because of this unlikely possibility. I again try to reassure her that this wouldn't happen either. I couldn't tell if she actually believed me or if she just wanted to end this grim conversation. There is then a loud knock at my door, and in a panic I quickly pull my blanket up and over Zoey.

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