Chapter 6-10

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My dragon gets a name

I return to the other world, that is supposed to be a dream, as soon as I fall asleep, but it's like no time has passed. I return to the baby dragon nuzzling my hand like it was when I left.

"How is this possible?" I think to myself.

It's as if the world only exists when I'm in it. Like there is a time displacement between the magical world and my normal world.

As I begin to rub the baby dragon, my hands start to warm up, and I don't mean from friction. My hands actually begin to get hot like they are made of fire. It doesn't hurt, but the baby likes it.

Ok, so now I have magic. I guess it's from the dragon or at least the dragon's mark on me. I can tell he's hungry, but I have no idea what to feed him, I can barely feed myself on my own at home. I have to find a way to get food to him. But first, he needs a name.

"Ok little man, you need a name, and it needs to fit you unless you already have one and you want to tell me?"

He shakes his head no.

He understands me!

"Ok, so I'm thinking something cool.

"What about Axel?" I say. He looks at me with disgust on his face.

"Ok, so not Axel," I tell him.

"What about Blaze?" He adamantly shook his head, again with disgust on his face.

"Ok, not Blaze then."

I thought for a good long minute.

"What about Omahtan? We can just call you Omah for short."

He nods his head and agrees. He seems happy with his name.

Now I have to find a way to get him some food.

"If I have magic in this world, would I have magic in my world too?" I wonder.

Before I can think too much more about it, pain wakes me up. I realize I'm in my bed already. I guess my dad got me out of the car while I was asleep.

Chapter 7

I have magic!

Sitting up, dazed from the medicine induced sleep, I look around to make sure I am alone and that my door is shut. Thankfully it is, I really didn't want to have to get up. I think of rubbing Omah and start rubbing my hands together, and they begin to heat up again. I jump a little from the realization that I have magic in my own world, but I'm also very excited. I don't know what good my magic will do in my world, but I know how to get back to Omah and can now find a way to feed him. I wish my magic could take me back to Omah.

I sit pondering how to get back without going back to sleep. I have no idea how to use magic; I can't just wish for a portal to him. That would just be too easy. Frustrated, I lay back down. I'm in pain again. I call my mom and let her know. She gives me another pain pill, and I sink back into the other world.

I look at Omah and tell him that we need to find a way out of the cave, there's no way we can just stay in there forever. Not even 15 seconds after I finish my statement, a staircase leading to an opening above us shows up. Did I wish it into existence? Did Omah do it? Honestly, I don't care about the answer; I just want out of this cave.

With my leg being hurt and, in a cast, it takes me a good while to get up the stairs. I have to go up one at the time on my butt. I'm pretty sure there were at least 200 steps. I forgot to count. I was too worried about how long it would take and if it would hurt me. I know I fell a good way down, so a lot of steps were necessary to reach ground level. That information was useless to me since it only aggravated me more as I slowly climbed. Thankfully my leg didn't hurt too much since I didn't have to use it to scooch up the staircase.

Naga Chronicles: Jeremy and the Staff of ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now