Chapter One: Drunken Love

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School was starting tomorrow and I was super excited. Most years, I'd be cringing at the thought of geting up at 6AM every morning and all the homework and tests, but this year I wasn't. My best friend Tyler is coming back from tour with his band Hollywood Ending. I was so excited to see him. He said he was coming back tomorrow morning, of course he wouldn't be there for the first day of school, but we'd made plans to hang out after.

"Ready babe?" Cody asked standing at my door way.

"Yeah," I slid my flip flops on, grabbed my phone, and turned out my light.

Cody and I were going to an end-of-the-summer-party hosted by the captian of the hockey team, Lance. I liked going to parties sometimes, but I hated going to the ones hosted by the hockey team. They were always the craziest. The cops we're usually called within the first 4 hours and everyone is always drunk. But I was going because Cody was part of the hockey team and I was his girlfriend. Also, Bella, my best friend was going to be there too, which made it better.

Cody and I walked out to his car, got in, and we started driving.

I pulled my phone out and checked my text from Tyler, telling me he'll text me when he lands.

"Can you not text Tyler when you're with me?" Cody snapped and gave me a look.

"Why not?"

"Because you're MY girlfriend." He pulled down Lance's street.

"Okaaay," I said putting my phone away. "He's my FRIEND though."

"Doesn't matter," He opened his door and got out and I did the same.

He was always this way with Tyler. It really annoyed me because he was aloud to talk to Rachel, one of his old friends, but I can't talk to Tyler? It didn't make sense, but I was at the party now so I was going to just let it go.

"Hey, Amber!" I looked over and saw Bella standing in the front yard. 

"Bella!" I walked over to her.

"What's up?" She asked, sipping the beer in her hand.

"Nothing," I was at the same party as her...she knew what was up.

"So, did you hear from Ty? When does he get in?" Bella knew Tyler, but they weren't really friends. They we're more of an I-talk-to-you-because-you're-Ambers-friend kind of deal.

"Yeah, he's getting in early tomorrow morning." Just then Cody came over and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, we have to go in now." He tugged me into the house.

The smell of beer was overwhelming and hit me like a giant wave. I instantly wanted to puke. I didn't like beer, I thought it smelt so horrible.

Tyler texted me again saying how he missed me and couldn't wait to see me. I couldn't help but smile and reply that I missed him too. Cody didn't like that very much.

"Put that flipping phone away now, Amber." He muttered. So I did.

We walked around and met with all the other hockey players, then at some point, Cody and I got seperated and I found my way back to Bella.

She was sitting on the front porch on the bench swing, so I sat down next to her.

"So, are you excited for Tyler to come back?"

"Of course," I moved my feet to make the swing move. "He's my best friend."

She shot me a look. "Well, my best guy friend," I added.

"Right," She joked. "So. What's up with Cody? Why is he such a jerk-face tonight?"

"I don't know," I lied. I knew why, he was super jealous of Tyler. But I wasn't going to tell her that because then I'd have to hear how he's a horrible boyfriend and blah blah blah. "He's just moody I guess." I countiuned.

"You know, if you weren't my best friend, I'd probably talk about how stupid you are for being with him." She pulled her legs up on the swing.

"Gee, thanks." She knew how to make me feel better.

Cody came throught the front door, barely being able to stand on his two feet. He was drunk of course.

"Amber, Amber, Amber," He said, coming closing to me and stumbling along the way. 

"What?" I asked. When he got drunk, I got scared. He wasn't himself. He got violent and mean.

"Why didn't you tell me you and your little boy toy had a thing?" He got closer. The smell of his drunk breath filled the air.

"What? What boy toy?" I knew he was talking about Tyler, but I never had a thing with him.

"Your little Tyler," At this point, Cody was right in front of me, swaying from side to side.

"You can't drive home like this," I tried to move on. "You're drunk."

"So what? Does your little inncocent Tyler not get drunk?"

"Shut up, Cody, seriously. You're drunk and being an idiot." I went to get up and he pushed me back down.

"Cody!" Bella yelled. "Don't put your hands on her."

Just then, he slapped me. Right acrossed the face. My face stung and I could feel the warm tears running to my eyes.

"CODY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Bella stood up, pushing him away from me.

People started to stare, I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to go home, I didn't want to be the center of attention. Especially not now because I've just been slapped by my boyfriend.

At that moment, I wanted Tyler. I wanted one of his friendly hugs, his smile, his sweetness. I just wanted him to be here.

Just as I got down the porch stairs and started down the driveway, my phone rang. It was Tyler. I wanted to answer, but not in this state. I wasn't calm right now and I didn't want to answer in tears not being able to explain myself and have Tyler worry.

I walked home, even though it was about 10 minutes away, I didn't care. I wanted to be anywhere but there. I changed into sweats and a tank top, threw my hair in a messy bun, and sat down on my bed. Luckily my mom was out late at work and my dad was on a bussiness trip, so I was home alone. I finally calmed myself down and texted Tyler.

'You called?' I texted.

'Yeah, can u get on skype?' He answered back a few minutes later.

'sure.' I responded, opening up my computer. I checked myself in the mirror and my face was still red where Cody had slapped me. I looked like I was crying still, no matter how hard I tried to hide it.

My Skype went off. I answered it.

"Tyler!" I faked a smile.

"Hey, Ambs! What's up?" He was so perky, especially for it being almost 11pm.

"Nothing, how about you?" I wanted to tell him. I wanted to talk to someone. But I wasn't going to bring it up unless he asked. And of course he did.

"Nothing....are you okay?" He looked concerned. "It looks like you were crying."

"Oh," I fake giggled. "I was just watching The Notebook."

"Ambs," He said seriously. "I know you. What's up?"

"Just Cody," I hesitated. "He got drunk and -"

"Don't even tell me," He looked mad. "Did he hurt you?"

"Well, he slapped me, but I mean -" 

"He slapped you? Why?" He looked so concerened now.

"Because I don't know he was drunk, I guess." I kind of let the subject go because Tyler was in Kansas and there's nothing he could or should do.

After a little while, I let him go since I had school tomorrow and Tyler had to get up early to catch his flight.

"Goodnight, Ambs!" Tyler said.

"Night Ty!"

I got up and went to sit in bed. What was tomorrow going to be like? I had to face Cody again and right now I didn't want to talk to him. I wanted Tyler, but Tyler was miles and miles away, Bella's solution would be to beat Cody up somewhere, and my solution is to forgive him. I was dreading the first day of school now, I didn't want to go anymore. I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears again and I silently sobbed myself to sleep.

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