you make my dreams (ben)

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Hey guys I'm back! And not better than ever!! 🤠✌🏻
Anyways, this one was a draft that I found in the depths of my files. I had to tweak it here and there and mind you, this isn't a good chapter. It's short and re-reading this, it feels rushed. Not my best work but it's something.
Thank you guys for being so patient with me, I promise the next post will be something more riveting than this. I may refurbish this up a bit or delete it. The title of this is misleading and I think I could do better with it.
Also, let me steal a moment just to say, THAT THE CAST LOOKED SO DAMN FINE TONIGHT. BIG OOF. Like wow, they did THAT. I'm so proud of all their nominations and wins. My heart is sore.
Happy reading! ❤️
Word count: 1.6k
It was raining and I had nothing else better to do than snuggle up in bed and read or play video games. It was winter and it had snowed and rained last night, which meant slushy snow. I didn't mind the weather on occasion. It was my day off from work and I had nothing to tend to other than games or read.
My apartment was small. Only a kitchen and living area greeted the entrance and beside it a bathroom and one bedroom. Perfect for me.
I was reading as of now, playing music softly. I couldn't stand complete silence as for nothing is ever completely silent. I liked reading literature, I was rereading The Damned and Beautiful by Fitzgerald. I liked his work and I liked the '20s. Anyways I was reading and then I get a call that interrupted my concentration. It was Joe.
"Hey, YN?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"Are you busy?"
"Kind of but it's not important. Is something wrong?"
"No I was just wondering if you and a couple of my friends want to go grab dinner tonight?"
"Yeah sure. What time?"
"I'll pick you up at 6:30."
"Sounds great."
I hung up and checked the time. 3:35 PM. Read one more chapter or start getting ready? Well since it was only dinner with some friends, I shouldn't be too dressed up so maybe one more chapter.
After procrastinating on getting ready, I finally got up and showered and did all of that. What really took me a long time was makeup, mainly because I use my brushes as microphones and sing into the mirror pretending I'm the worlds biggest pop star. I let my hair go natural, even in the snow or rain my hair would frizz up but I shouldn't look too cute or whatever. It was only Joe and his friends, so I don't need to look cute for anybody.
It was 6 PM when I was done getting ready. I sighed and waited for Joe to finally arrive so I decided to play GTA, only because it wasn't so time investing and I wasn't committed to a score. I robbed a bank, killed some people with my car for a cool second until my chauffeur, Joe, arrived.
I jumped into his car.
It was an old car, he told me that his father gave it to him once he got his license. It was a Mercedes Benz 240D and it was white and the year was 1983. He loved that car it was, if not, one of his most prized possessions.
I was sitting shotgun. Behind me we're two of Joe's closest friends, Gwilym and Ben.

Ben and I always got along, so did Gwilym and I, but mostly Ben. Joe always teased how Ben and I would be a cute couple, but I doubt he'd ever like me like that or even see me like that. Every time we went out, Ben and I would remain together but it was just because we got along and Joe wanted to me befriend his friends. Joe would always swear Ben would look at me some type of way and I would to, but it's just reciprocating energy.

Somehow, Joe managed to give the car an AUX cord so he could play his music. He was always up to something. At a red light, we all played Rock Paper Scissors to see who could play music on the drive back to Joe's, in which there was a movie marathon tonight. I ended up winning.

We get to the restaurant which was my favorite pizza restaurant. It was my favorite not only for the food but for the music they played.
We got to the pizza place and sat at the table. We all had a fun time just eating huge slices of pizza with salad and garlic bread.

"No seriously who thought it would be a good idea to put olives on pizza?" Gwilym said. "Obviously the Roman gods, they're geniuses," I said taking another bite into my pizza. Ben, with a mouthful, said "Okay YN olives may have  a purpose on pizza, but definitely not pineapple." "Hey, not true I like pineapple pizza and so does Joe! You guys are dumb," I said playing with pieces that had fallen off the Italian cuisine. "Says the one with a defeated face," Joe said.

I squinted my eyes at him, "You know what, you and me Tekken tomorrow at 5 PM sharp." "You're gonna lose," he said stretching out his arm so I can shake it.

After an hour at the restaurant, Joe drove us back to his place to watch movies. We began watching movies like Freddy vs Jason to American Pie, honestly it all just depended on his mystery box of movie titles. However, by the some devils hour of the night we all fell asleep.
I got up around 8:30 and the boys were still asleep. Ben somehow had his arms snaked around me. I slowly but surely made my way out of his grip. He sure was a cute sleeper, a heavy one at that too.

I took the train home, just so I could get myself and my stuff for work tomorrow. Once I got home I kicked off my shoes and flopped myself into my bed. I groaned dreading that tomorrow was Monday.
I spent most of the day in bed, doing absolutely nothing productive.
I then get a message from Joe.

Joe: Im here
YN: I forgot you were coming
Joe: you're so rude.

I put some slippers on and walked down to get Joe into my apartment building. We get to my apartment and we enter my room. He and I settled at the foot of my bed in front of my television and I turn my system on. "So, you and Ben," he chimed. "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying not to get flustered. "YN, don't act like a dumbass. I saw you two giving love glances at each other last night," he said smiling.

"What's your point?" I asked. "Let's make a bet," he said and before I could refuse he said,"If I win, you have to ask him out on a romantic date." "Oh god no. What if he says no?" I said, hoping that I win and if I lose, I'd hope that he'd say no. "Well then convince him," he said smug. "I hate you right now," I said. He smiled and we began to choose our characters and such and played.

We played for hours on end keeping tally of who's winning and losing. At one point it would be me and then it would be him in the lead. We stopped our shenanigans after a couple of hours. In the end, Joe won. "Call him right now," he said. "What, now?" I said. "Yeah, call him right now," he said. Why me? I grabbed my phone dialed Ben.

"Hey Ben?"
"Hey YN what's up?"
"Nothing much. I just wanted to asked you something."
"What YN?"
"Well uh I was wondering if you and I could go hang out somewhere, someplace. Just the two of us..."
"You mean like a date?"
"Yeah if you wanna call it that"
"YN asking me out on a date? I'll take it," he said. As he said that, a huge smile appeared on my face and I could tell Joe was happy for me.

"Sounds like a plan, Saturday?" I said, trying to contain myself. "Yeah I'll pick you up in the morning so we can have to whole day to ourselves," he said. "Sounds good," I said. I hung up and hugged Joe, "you're a genius," I said.


It was Saturday morning. I woke up early due to excitement. I did my morning routine to brush my teeth, wash my face and shower. I walked into my room and dressed myself a dried my hair and did my makeup. Ben told me 10:30 and it was only 9:20, so I decided to style my hair into some lose curls. By the time I was done, he was here to pick me up.
We hugged and he drove me to a cafe to grab some brunch.

"You know I've been wanting to go on a date with you," he said looking into his hot coffee. "Really? Me too," I said. I smiled, "so how long have you liked me?" I said. "A while," he said. "You?" He asked. "A while too," I said.

After brunch, in which I insisted I payed for, we went to the movies. He paid for the tickets and I the snacks. Afterwards, since it was still quite fairly early, we decided to head to the beach and watch the sunset. As we laid on our towel, we noticed the sun began to set. He pulled me into his arms and we laid there waiting for nightfall. At the last couple of seconds of sun, he pressed his lips into mine. And in that moment, it was like time stood still and yet everything was happening all at once. "I'm glad we're together," he said. I smiled and pressed my forehead onto his, "Me too."

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