It's gotta be you!

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Alexys POV

Its been 3 months since I woke up from coma. I still can't believe that I did managed to survived it. I am so happy that I got the chance to spend my life with my family, I got the chance to continue my passion of being a doctor and lastly I got the chance to be a with Kayla and support her with her pregnancy with our twins...I know right, I am so lucky that we are having twins. And now she's on her trimester of pregnancy. We are just waiting for her due date. After she give birth with our kids that's the time that we are getting married. We decided that we are going to focused with her pregnancy first. Now here I am in my hospital, yeah I already claimed as mine since after I woke up my mom also did her best to do my duties while I am unconscious so the moment that I finally be able to do the normal things I did actually told her that i am ready to manage our hospital but if she decided to retire which is she did, I know its kinda sad but I want her to rest, being a doctor is actually enjoying but I want my mom to be able to do some stuffs like spending more time with dad, her friends and take a vacation. So here I am now, doing some rounds, I still do the doctor's jobs because I really love doing some check ups with my patients and I did started my project which a school for students who really love to be a doctor but cannot afford the expenses for their schools. I actually got some investors, also some elite friends of that who donated my project. And now here I am with my buddy, remember Kevin? He's still here, I am actually kinda sad that he cannot leave the hospital yet but I'm still doing some research about his leukemia. I know, that one day he will leave this hospital soon and he will have a normal life.  "Doc AC?" he asked me "yeah Kevs?" I told him for him to continue. "Will you still be here when you and Big K have you twins?" he asked me sadly, I hold his chin and stares at his eyes, "of course Kev" I told him "why'd you asked?" I asked him. " know when you become a parent, you should spend more time with them" he said "I know Kev, but I guess I can manage it besides I know that you're going to help me right?" I asked him to cheer him up. "Of course, I hope I'll be okay soon" he said. I kinda sad to hear that from him. "Kevin, don't worry okay? You're going to be like a good older brother with my kids" I told him honestly, I feel like his my son. He's actually one of the reason why I keep on fighting and doing my job nicely and better. I sighed. "Kevin, it's gotta be you who's going to believe in yourself that you're going to be okay" I told him. "Thank you doc" he said. I hugged him surprisingly. "Don't thank me yet buddy, I won't leave you and give up on you" I told him. "I'll make sure that we'll gonna do everything to cure you, just believe in God and of course believe in yourself" I told him. "Let's go" I added. "Where are we going?" He asked me confusedly. "I have a waiver from your guardian and from your doctor, they said okay for me to take you on a lunch outside the hospital" I told him. Yes, it was his first time to eat outside the hospital again, since he was confined here, he's strictly to go outside because he might get sick due to low of immune system. "Is it okay?" he asked me. "Of course buddy, besides, I'm one of your doctors so we have nothing to worry about." I told him. He nodded. I hold his hand and I lead him to the elevator. I am gonna surprise Kayla as well, so I called our friends to meet me in the restaurant and take her with them. Me on the other hand take Kevin. I wanted him to explore the outside world. I know that he's being nervous coz last time that we did this he caught a cold and fever. But, today it won't happen coz reserved a venue which is for us only exclusively. I lead him to my car. Yeah, I am actually driving a car now since Kayla said that it's too dangerous to ride a bike. I opened the door for him and he entered and sit on the passenger seat. I closed his door and run to the other side amd sit on the driver seat...."so...where are we going?" he asked me. "You'll find out soon" I told him teasingly. I know that he doesn't want any surprises but I really wanted to surprises him. " you have any crushes?" I asked him while starting my car engine. "Well...I---I  met a girl" he told me and I noddes for him to continue. "I met her from one of my chemo theraphy" he said sadly. "Is she sick?" I asked him worried. "No, actually she's really healthy but I guess she won't totally like me" he said like its the end of the world. "Why'd you say that? I mean look at you buddy, so talented, smart and handsome, no one can resists your charm, to be're actually a perfect guy to any girl" I told him to cheer him up..."but, look at me...I am too sick, weak, I had never been to any sports and I'm.... dying." He finished. "No, don't say that" I told him. "Tell me about this girl" I ordered him. "She's beautiful like when she smiles it feels like I forgot that I am sick, she have some sense of humor...she also loves art, she's an A student and she loves her little sister very much the one who's sick" he told me. "So, what do you feel when you saw her?" I asked him while focusing to the road. "Ahm, I don't know. It feels like I am on the top of the clouds, also my heart beats faster whenever she's near me, and I can't take my eyes off from her...she have this genuine smile that will make you smile short a definition of an angel" he told me dreaming..."well buddy, as I have observed you're not just attracted to her but also you're definitely in live with her" I told him..."no I'm not" he argued. "Okay, so explain to me why you're still sitting there? Were actually here now" I told him teasingly. "Shut up" he said irritated. "Okay, hahaha but buddy its okay to admit and besides you should told her" I told him. "You know, I can't" he said. "Why?" I asked confusedly while gesturing jim to get out from the car. "Because, I can't actually speak normally when I'm with her" he said desperately..."well buddy, try getting to know each other...also I would like to meet this girl of yours" I told him. We entered the restaurant... "sure, coz its gotta be you who's going to help me" he said to me and I nodded. I opened the door to our private room table...and I saw my friends and my future wife. She's still looks so gorgeous despite of her belly "hey" I called them. They all greeted us. Also Kayla was surprised that we are here. "Hey" a soft voice of a girl called us I turned around to sew who it is and wow she looks like an angel. She's actually like age of Kevin. I turned to Kevin and I saw him blushing. Oj, so this is the girl who tamed the charmer's heart huh, I told to myself. Hahaha I laughed which surprises them. "Hey Kevin" the unknown girl greet him. Gosh Kevin such a coward. I tapped his shoulder to wake him up from his cloudy dream. "Y--yeah hey" he greeted while stuttering. "What are you doing here?" He asked confusedly which caught me also. Yeah, how did she's here? Hmmm. "Oh, my family actually own this restaurant, I am here to give the menu, I am actually volunteering here as a future owner I have to learn, you know...and etc" she explained. I nodded and cleared my throat like a signal to Kevin to introduced me. "Ahhhh Ken--draa ahm this is doc AC she owns the hospital also one of my doctors as well" he gestured me. "And Doc AC this is Ken---..." " so its you Kendra, nice meeting you, Kevin talks a lot about you, nice meeting you by the way" I cut Kevin off hahaha now I can teased him. "And oh thank you for assisting us, why don't you sit with us so that Kevin will enjoy his meal very well" I told her while winking at Kevin. "Ahm sure" she said while holding her chin like she's thinking deeply. "Okay sit besides Kevin"I told her. "Thank you doc AC" she said. I just shrugged. I sense that kevin was actually nervous. Man, this is his chance..."so Kendra, how did you meet Kevin?" I asked her while holding Kayla's hand. All eyes were on the both of them. Haha they're actually blushing. "So I guess that answered your question Alex" Jimmy my cousin interrupted. Nice more of teaser hahaha. "Let the two alone" Kayla ordered. And we raised our hands in surrender. Then we change topic. And talks about each of our days, also I keep on glancing to the two teenagers, they're actually enjoying each other's company. I actually love this moments. Its actually memorable. And soon, the twins will gonna be with us. I can't wait to hold them. To sing them a lullaby and even I can't wait to change their diapers and sew them as they grow. I'm really thankful for the another life that I have now. And I will continue to used it in a wat that God pleases me to do. "Its gotta be you" I told to myself. Yes, its gotta be me. Its gotta be me encourage them, help them and guide them to every path that they're going to choose...

SO...Here's the 14th chaps guys...sorry for the long wait. I totally became so busy now. But don't worry, I'm gonna update each day 👌.

Hope you'll all like it...thanks for the support. Enjoy and I apologized for the wrong spelling, wrong grammar, and all the errors. I'm still working for the characters portrait. If you have anything in mind, please feel free to comment. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ENJOY 🖤🖤🖤 HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

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