My Symptoms, Her Symptoms

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Kayla POV

Its been week since me and Alexys spent each other together. When I tried to call her it always came straight to her voicemail. Whats happening to her? I called the hospital they said that she took a week off, then why she never had mention it to me, also she's always been busy. Is she cheating on me? I'm currently here on my office right now, together with my mom and her mom, we were discussing regarding about the wedding. She's supposed to be here by my side. "Aunt Alexia, where is Alexys?" I asked her mom, I studied her mom very well. "Didn't she told you?!" she asked surprised, me and my mom keep glancing to each other "told her what?" my mom asked curiously "she left went to England since monday to do a very important research" she answers but I can sense that there is more to that. "No, she didn't mention about that" I said looking up the ceiling "don't worry dear, she's just busy as you were" my mom said to lighten up my mood. "But why don't she ever bother to text or call me?" I asked with a hurt tone. I could feel my tears. "Hey, look dear, Alexys sometimes could be surprising maybe it slipped off on her mind"  her mom said "don't worry she'll be here soon" she added. "She's hiding something from me" I told them. They motion me to continue, "when we spent the whole night in her penthouse I saw a file of a patient, it has a lot of x-ray scans and test, and it seems so very important and serious because it would'nt been to her room if its not that serious, right? I tried to look for the name of whom it belongs but she stopped me and forbid not to touch it" I said to them. "Maybe its quiet confidential for the patient" her mom answered "yes dear, why don't you asked her or maybe just forget about it" my mom said. "B--but what i-- I was cut by myself I felt so suddenly sick, I rush to the restroom to vomit, maybe I eaten something bad then I threw up again. "Dear, are you okay?" my mom asked worried. "I'm okay m-- then I threw up again. "Kayla, are you pregnant?" my mom asked out of nowhere "I---I don't know mom" I answered her truthfully. We exited the restroom silently. "Dear, what happened?" her mom asked me. "I guess she's pregnant" my mom answered me. "Wait? Seriously? Oh my God! Wait why don't we go to hospital so that you can have a check up?" she excitedly said. "Yes, lets go dear I can't wait to know, I'll call your father" my mom said, "Oh me too I'll call you father-in-law, we'll meet them at the hospital" her mom said, in my case I feel so nervous about it. "Wait, so something happened with the both of you?" her mom asked and seriously I wanted the floor to eat me, I can feel myself blushing "I guess that answers your question Alexia" my mom answered grinning "Yay! We are going to be a grandmother" her mom keep saying while we're exiting my office. Why do it feels like I am not completely happy about this? "Don't be nervous dear" my mom try to talk to me but I can't help it. The driver opened the door of the limo for us. They keep on talking. I just stayed silent. A beep from my phone interrupted my thoughts. And a smile spread to my face when the text message comes from her. But I'm a little bit mad at her for not telling me her whereabouts.

My doctor ❤: Hey babe! Sorry for not having heard about me, when I called to the hospital earlier they said you've looking for me, Jenny is been teasing me that I have to get my ass out there. I'm really sorry babe, my trip was so sudden and the moment that I landed here, I've been so busy straight to meetings. Call me whenever you're free. I missed you 🤧. I Love you babe ❤

After I read her message I directly called her. Her phone is ringing.

Alexys: 'hey babe' (I can feel her excitement)

Me: 'I hate you' (I answered her pouting)

Alexys: 'Oh, I love you too babe' (she said and it put a smile through my face)

Me: 'I am with mom and your mom today' (I told to her)

Alexys: 'Really? That's great put me to speaker' (she said and I followed her)

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