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Scarlett's POV:

"Scar, Oh my god are you okay?" Ashton asked holding me as I cried in his arms. I shook my head no in response to his question. I'm not even able to speak.

"What happened? Who did this?" he asked anger filling his voice. I didn't respond.

"Scar, who the hell did this to you?" he asked again.

"Please just get me out of here" I pleaded.

"No, we've to inform the police," he scowled.

"Please Ashton, just get me out of here" I sobbed against his chest. He debates in his head and scooped me up in his arms and carried me towards the exit. I sobbed uncontrollably holding his shirt. Why did this happen to me? Just a few minutes back I thought that my life's been happy for a while. All my thoughts were shattered in just a minute.

"Get your boss. She's attacked. Call the cops and give them my information," he hands something to the guard as I began to cry harder.

"Shhh, it's ok baby. I've got you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you" he said caressing my head as I pushed myself further into his hold.

After he sets me in the car and buckled me up, he raced to the driver's side.

"Ashton, will you stay in my apartment tonight, please," I pleaded crying.

"You'll be staying with me in my condo. I don't want you out of my sight"

Tears continuously flowed from my eyes. Who's that man? What did he want from me? How did he know I came to the club? Has he been stalking me?

Many questions filled my brain as I sobbed even more leaning toward Ashton. I didn't do any wrong, why did this happen to me? Why didn't I let Ashton come with me? Is it meant to have happened to me?

When we get home, he came to my side and picked me up again. When we reached his floor, he carried me to his condo and put his fingerprint on the security lock, and then it opened. He took me straight to his bedroom. He took me to the bed and laid me down. He pulls a blanket over me and left my room.


I pulled a blanket over her and left the room. She'd not eaten anything since evening. She might be hungry so I went to the fridge and took out some sandwiches my cook made for me and took an apple juice carton.

By the time I entered her room, she was curled up in a ball. She looked like a baby on my huge bed. I went over to her and saw her sniffling. I sat beside her and kissed her forehead as she opened her eyes which were red and swollen due to crying. It's paining me so much to see her like this. Never had I felt this way for anyone except my family. Even though she's the one crying I'm feeling her pain.

"Baby, you didn't eat anything since evening," I said giving her the food I brought.

"I'm not hungry," she said wiping away the tears from her face with the back of her hand. I shook my head no.

"Don't say anything, just eat, and then I'll let you rest," I made her sit resting her back on the bed. I put the sandwich in her mouth and made her eat it. After feeding her I put the plate away and sat beside her as she held me tight and started to cry again.

"Please baby, don't cry. I can't see you wrecked up like this,"  It's killing me.

" to..uch..ed m..e Ash...ton," she sobbed.

"What?" I asked unsure of what she said.

"He touched me," she repeated as my eyes widened. FUCK!!

"Tell me everything," I stated anger filling my voice.

"He said that I'm only his and don't want any other man touching me. He also said that if he sees me again with you he'll kill you and make me his," she finished crying uncontrollably holding me. She also said that he touched her breast and her vagina. Who the hell was that son of a bitch? How dare he touched her? He'll regret his actions very soon. I'll surely make him pay for what he did to my Scar. He's is going to see hell!!

"Shhh, baby don't cry. I'm here for you. I'll make sure he pays for his actions. I'm so sorry Scar, I let this happen," I said caressing her hair and consoling her.

"It was my fault," she said quietly more to herself.

"What!! Don't ever say that," I laid down beside her and pulled her into me "No one ever asks to get attacked".

"He said I did because of the way I was dressed," she whimpered.

"There were women in that club with way fewer clothes than you and they weren't asking for it either. A woman has their freedom and they can do what they want to do. That was just a pathetic excuse he had. Don't believe it for one second." She rolled over to look me in the eyes. We just looked at each other. I made her rest and was about to leave the room then

"Please don't leave me," she whispered.

"I'll be here in a minute, baby," I assured her and went to the living room.

I went to the living room and called Marco.


"Marco, I need you to do something for me," I stated.

"What happened bro? Is everything fine?"

"No. I and Scarlett went to the club tonight. She was attacked by some stranger. I think he'd been stalking her to know about her whereabouts and he also know about us," I said in a single go and told him everything that had happened in the club.

"What do you want me to do?" 

"I want tonight's whole CCTV footage of the club. Don't miss a single detail. Check everything. Also, check the list of people that took passes for tonight"

"I'll get on it right away. Take care of Scarlett" he said and hung up. After a few minutes, the police came and took her statement.

I went to the bed and laid down next to her. I aimlessly played with her hair.

"I love you, Scarlett, you mean a lot to me. Please don't ever leave me," I whispered to her sleeping face.

Yeah!! I love her. I didn't realize it until today. The pain of seeing her in this state, and the thoughts of killing the person for putting her in this situation, are the only things running through my mind right now. The thought of losing her is breaking my heart. I fell asleep with her in my arms and her head on my chest.


Hello guys.......Another chapter is done...

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter🤔🤔

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