Night Terrors

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Disclaimer: I dont own Tokyo Ghoul, the Avengers, or the photo

This is a shorter chapter but, have fun reading~


After the battle in his mind, Kaneki stopped his hands from trembling, shook his head, and looked the man in the eyes and said,"Yes.."

"Just lock me up and be done with it, I don't care what happens to me anymore." Kaneki said while looking away. There's not much of me to enjoy living anyways. And I still could never find a way l, this could be fate finally letting me meet my end.


The man in the eyepatch slightly turned up the corners of his lips and started speaking.

"Then, I have a proposition for you, Ken."

Kaneki turned his one eye to look at him in confusion. He just admitted to being a threat to mankind, yet it seemed that the man wasn't making any moves to lock him in the deepest, darkest, furthest prison from all of mankind.

"I'm making a team of superhumans to be a defense against whatever's out there that's a threat to Earth. And I'd like you to be apart of that team."

Kaneki couldn't help it. He started laughing. It was a hollow laugh, sounding almost like dried leaves scuttling along an empty sidewalk. In sarcastic disbelief he said," You want me, someone who just admitted to being a threat to mankind, to join a team of heroes? Sounds like a crude joke to me."

The man clad in black just stared and leaned back.

"The offer stands, everyone deserves a second chance. But, if you prefer, I can find you a nice little jail cell in the best prison there is."

Kaneki brought a finger to his chin and tapped it thoughtfully. He didnt trust this man one bit.

"How do I know that you're not going to throw me in prison the first chance you get. You did kidnap me, threaten me, and I dont even know your names."

"Well, for one, we've had all the time in the world to put you in a cell before you woke up, and threats are necessary when it comes to the safety of a planet."

The woman standing in the back of the room spoke up,"What he means to say," Kaneki angled his cold gaze over to her,"I am agent Romanoff, and this is Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Kaneki nodded and then continued on with his questioning.

"What will you do if I go on a rampage? I have no control and will try to kill everyone around me."

"I have another person on this team that I can handle just fine, I'm sure you'll be no problem", he said with confidence.

"Well," Kaneki said,"what more do I have to lose?" he finished with a pained smile.


After the interrogation, they led him to a different part of the ship, which he learned was called a helicarrier, to what was going to be his temporary room.

It was plain with a bed in the corner and a chair with a coffee table in the other. To his left, another door led to a bathroom and a walk in closet beside it. Kaneki grabbed a few clothes, took a refreshing shower, and went to sleep.


You would think, that after all this time, Kaneki would be used to the nightmares. But he never truly would. No matter how hard he tries, he could never escape the terror, the fear. The sadness.

In his dream, Kaneki was sitting in that cursed chair. In that wretched room. But there was no Jason to torture him today. No, not today. Today he was to be reminded of all the mistakes and death in his world. The fateful date with Rize. The death of Ryoko. The mother and son he let Jason murder. The Dove Amon, that he cut his arm off. The burning of Anteiku. The death of Irimi, Enji, and the manager. He saw it all while chained to that dreadful chair, like watching a twisted movie. As if that wasn't enough, he heard someone walking behind him and turned to see his best friend.

Kaneki started to smile wide eyed in disbelief.

"Hide, you're ok? I thought that you.."

Hide turned to him, face twisted in anger.

"This was all your fault Kaneki."

Kaneki's hopeful expression fell and he tried to escape his chains to reach Hide.

"Wait! I did it so I could protect you! How could I know that everyone would end up dying..!"

Kaneki was desperately trying to reach out. To tell Hide that he was sorry and that their death wasn't his fault.

Suddenly, Hide's body started turning to ash and blowing away.

"You're the reason all this happened."

Kaneki started panicking,"Wait! Hide! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I didn't mean for anyone to die! Please, don't leave me alone!"

"But don't you know? Rabbits die from loneliness.." Hide said, his words dripping with venom. That was the last thing he said before disappearing completely, bitterness written across his face.


Kaneki woke up in a pool of his own sweat. He stood, still shivering from his vivid dreams from his head. After he took a shower, Kaneki saw a note at the foot of his bed and a duffle bag filled with some spare clothes from his run down apartment. After he changed and put his forgotten medical eyepatch on, he went outside his room to find Romanoff. Kaneki found her as she was on her way to his room.

"Come on, I'll bring you to meet the rest of the team."


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