Sh*t Happens

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Kanekis worst fears and fleeting hope's came true. The brown eyed man before him, was none other than his 'dead' friend, Hideyoshi Nagachika.


Somewhere else in the U.S., a secret base of operations was discovered and destroyed. The tesseract, was gone.


Kaneki started to reach a hand up when alarms started blaring through the Helicarrier. Hide 'tch'ed putting a hand up to his earpiece, speaking to whoever was on the other end.

"What's going on?

What do you mean it's gone.

The entire facility is down?

They took the doctor and Barton!?"

Hide cursed under his breath, sighing.

"Well this is one way to spend your weekend isn't it Kane-.. Kaneki? Are you alright!?"

Kaneki was leaning on the doorframe, silent tears streaming down his face. Seeing this, Hide went into mother hen mode, grabbing Kaneki's face, wiping his tears, asking him a million questions all at once.

"" Kaneki mumbled under his breath.

Hide's attention snapped back up to Kanekis stell grey eyes.


Kaneki paused, thinking before he answered.

"I'll tell you later, first we should see what the alarm is about."

Hide's eyes took on an, 'oh shit' expression before he dragged Kaneki through the many twist and turns of the helicarrier, Kaneki just barely managing to grab his ghoul mask, slipping the cool leather on his features.

They were in the command center of the helicarrier, all the crew bustling, each doing their own job, a sense of urgency caused by the blaring alarm. Hide let go of his friend, taking the place at the helm, accessing the situation. He gave orders, and the chaos subsided for now. Hide walked back towards Kaneki, explaining what was going on. He sighed, rubbing his hand down his tired features.

"So Fury and a few of his trusted agents went to check up on one of the research bases. They were studying this artifact called the Tesseract to see if humanity could use it as an infinite power source.

It was all sunshine and rainbows until recently, the Tesseract has been acting up. So, naturally, Fury went to check it out. Soon after he got there, a large blue portal opened, spitting out a guy who called himself Loki. He managed to swipe the Tesseract and turning the lead scientist and one of our best agents against us. And now he's on the run and S.H.I.E.L.D has no idea where he is.

I've taken command until Fury comes back, which is hopefully soon, but this whole thing turned to crap really fast."

Hide sighed again, all seriousness leaving his face, and he started jabbing Kaneki in the ribs.

"Now you, my dear friend, have some explaining to do."

And so he did. Kaneki explained how he met Rize, him being turned into a ghoul (though he didn't elaborate on his abilities), meeting everyone at Anteiku, glazing over his encounter with Jason, the raid of Anteiku, and everything in between.


Kaneki's story faltered remembering what had happened to the cheerful, smiling Hide during the raid on Anteiku. He chose to not tell exactly what had transpired, a half-truth if you will. For one reason only. Kaneki was scared that Hide would hate him. Just like the Hide in his ever reoccurring nightmares.

His eyes broke from his friends gaze as he ended his story of the past year.

"After I had seen Anteiku burning, I went to try and escape, running into more CCG officers. But before they could attack, I ended up in New York."

He lifted his lone steel grey eye, meeting his friends pair of brown. Hide seemed completely engrossed in his storytelling, hand on his chin, nodding periodically.

"It's crazy to think that you came from another dimension."

Hide chuckled leaning forward.

"Sounds like something that came right out of a comic book!"

Hide grinned and sat back into his seat. Saying that, Kaneki blinked at him, shocked.

Wait.. if there was another version of Hide in this world.. wouldn't that mean..

Hide, seeing the question forming, sat expectantly, waiting. Kaneki, looking slightly scared, asked his question.

"Is there another me in this dimension..?"

Hide, who hadn't been expecting the question, looked surprised, and then sad. He said just two pain filled words.

"There was."



Finally got a new chapter for this book!

Hope you enjoyed!

What do you guys think happened to the Marvel Universe Kaneki?

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And I'll see yall again soon~ 😁

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