Chapter Three: Finding a Lead

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Maeve returned to her apartment to think. She felt as one who is on the brink of something huge but doesn't realize it for whatever reason. What clues did she have? For one thing, she knew that Lucy had not been in a good place with her father. She had probably run away, then- but why? Dexter had mentioned that Lucy had lived in Colorado. Could it be that her father had been mixed up in some illicit business? It was all very loosely connected, but perhaps she could ask a few more questions to narrow everything down. She went down to the lobby, where the receptionist, Rosie, was painting her fingernails an obnoxious pink."Hiya, Maeve! Where've you been? Tom's been lookin' all over for you, but he said you weren't in your apartment.""I've been gathering information," Maeve said with an air of importance."Ooo! I love a good story! Whatcha got so far?""I haven't come to chat, Rosie. I need to know if you have Dexter Ross's phone number.""Well of course! You know, he was having a very interestin' conversation with that dead girl. Lacy Mountgummy, I think it was?""Oh, really? Wait, no, I just need his number.""Are you sure? It's a captivatin' story. Say, did you hear about that weird old guy who came in here the other day? Trench coat and everything, he looked like he was comin' straight outta a Holmes story!""Rosie, darling, please try to stay on track. Mr. Ross's number, please?"

"Oh yeah, he lives in number 302 on the fifth floor."

"Not that kind of number Rosie, his cell."

"Dex Ross was in jail? Is that what you're writing about? I'd eat that up! What was he in for?"

Maeve clenched her teeth. "Rosalynd! Please. I need his cell phone number. I really don't see how hard it is- it's not like I've asked you three times."

"Yeesh, Maeve, cut a girl some slack. I got it right here, don't bite my head off."

"Thank you, Rosie."

Maeve took the paper, turned on her heel and headed out the door into the autumn wind. She walked to the local deli and cafe, where her husband worked.

"Hello, Gerald. Would you be a dear and fetch me some black coffee? I'm working on a story."

Gerald nodded and went to the back of the store to fulfill his wife's wishes. Meanwhile, Maeve sat down at one of the booths and started to search for a certain Mr. Montgomery. Hours passed by, and Maeve was so engrossed in her digging that she didn't notice the sirens going from the police station to High Point Apartments and back again. After many cups of coffee and a few dispersed power naps, Maeve found the father of the elusive Lucy Montgomery. His first name was Max, he lived in a trailer park on the outskirts of Denver, and did construction work for a company called, Built Right: Commendable Work for Affordable Prices! It didn't look like they had had a job for a month or two, though. Maeve decided to call it a day and head back to her apartment. As she got ready for bed, Maeve went over her notes. Maybe she would dream up some answers.

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