Moon's POV

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I just got done taking a shower when there was a knock on the door . I hurried and dried off and got dressed. When I opened the door I was shocked to see A'Sang standing there looking a little out of it.
"Hey man are you good why are you here so early"I asked a little confused.
"I needed space from someone to think so I drove here. Are you about ready to go Josh is meeting us their with P'Jay"he said really fast.
"Wait P'Jay is coming to! Man it's going to be an interesting night" Jay is Josh's best friend but every time he comes with us we get into trouble.Last time a'sang and I had to bail him and Josh out of jail the next day. P'Jay is a doctor and is older then us but you wouldn't think that if you met him you would think he was a child in a mans body.
"Yep but we can't do anything about that can we" Sang said in a very nonchalant voice. When he finished I invited him inside and when he walked in I noticed that he was still wearing the same clothes he did when we went to school.
"If you need clothes you can borrow some of mine" he shook his head yes so I walked to my closet . I looked through it finally I found a nice pair of jeans and paired it with a nice black dress shirt . I handed him the clothes and pointed to the bathroom door "Don't take all day but you know were the towels and everything is. I'll finish when your done." He walked into the bathroom while waiting for him I grabbed my phone and started  to text P'Mai.

Me: He I'm sorry about today  I don't know what happened.
P'Mai: Its all good! So what do you have planned for tonight?
Me: My friends and I are going to a popular club.
P'Mai:Well have fun but remember you have classes tomorrow don't get wasted!!

   I smiled at this I don't know why but I like that he cares about me. I just sat there looking at the message smiling I didn't stop until I seen the light from the bathroom get brighter. I looked up to see a sad looking Sang. "Who is making my best friend mope around?" I asked getting up walking to him.
   " No one I'm just a little confused about something at the moment" he looked down at the floor trying not to look at me .
" What is it? It must be bad for you to not be yourself" Sang has been my best friend since grade school so I'm very worried about him because he has never acted like this before. 

           "If you are nervous around someone like your scared you say something wrong and you don't like others touching this person what does that mean?" He asked sitting on  the bed. He looked at me and I couldn't help but smile.
"That is called love my friend" I said and he looked down " Don't worry I bet she will like you too if you talk to her" he didn't look up from the ground.
"What if it's not a girl"he finally looked up meeting my eyes which probably holds all the shock I was feeling. So I'm not the only one going through these feelings that I do towards a guy. I don't know why but I can't help but feel relieved.
"See this is why I shouldn't have said anything your judging me" he said sadly pulling me out of my thoughts .

"No it's not that it's just lm a little relieved that's it"
"Relived about what that I'm struggling at the moment" he said a little louder this time. I sat there thinking about how I'm going to say what I want to.
"No I'm relieved that I'm not the only one that likes a boy ok" I rushed out not really knowing if it actually came out of my mouth. Day look at me in all confusion
"What did you just say" he asked not losing eye contact.
"You know teacher Mai, I liked him since grade seven but I haven't told anyone this before today. I always thought no one would understand and I was scared to tell you but now I'm very relieved."
"Wow" was all he said as he started to laugh "Is this why you were mad earlier and why we are going out."

"Yes,I kinda flipped out on some freshman that were staring at him like he was one of those  k-pop idols" I said looking at the ground.
"What are we going to do" he asked.
"Well for now let's go to the club and tomorrow we can figure this shit out,Ok." He shook his head.
"But I wanna know who this lucky boy you like is"i elbowed him in this size .
" Un my roommate one of our freshman Kong" wow I was really surprised by this but I could tell he was In a bad mood so all I said was " I'm going to go finish getting ready so we can go and forget about everything"I said getting up and Patting him on the back.
I walked into my bathroom and put on my shirt and spiked up my hair a little not too much so it didn't look that bad . I don't know why but it feels good to finally tell someone I like P'Mai. I just hope he won't hate me if he ever finds out I have been feeling this way towards him since he started to hang with me more then my brother after my thirteenth birthday. We got close for a few months but then my brother got mad and said I stole his best friend. After this I tried to stay away from mai but my feelings got worse so I told my brother. He didn't judge he just hugged me and said that everything will work out in my favor one day.
   My life has been stressful but there is one person who always makes me feel better and that's P'Mai. I wish i wasn't scared to confess my feelings for him but it is ever since I was young I've always seen him with beautiful women. This is the reason I'm scared to tell him how I feel  I mean he must be straight and if I tell him I like him he would hate me. But I'm ready to confess so my life will be less stressful and I don't have to worry even if he hates me in the end.

   We got to the club in about twenty minutes because it's was just down the street from my dorm rooms. We walk in and it is a very typical
Club vibs going on. It was just a bunch of drunk people dancing making a fool out of themselves. We make our way through the crowd to our usual spot just to that P'Jay and A'Josh was already there. Josh was the first to see use and stood up to greet us.
"What's up bros" he said while we said hi to P'Jay.
"Nothing just stressed because of school you know but it's our last year" I said grabbing a shot that they must have ordered before we got here.
"I double that" Sang said grabbing a shot also.  The other two don't question use and they just start drinking the drinks in their hands and that's about how our night goes for a while.
Then I seen that Sang had a few to many and was already a little drunk and I thought 'Great now I have to babysit'  I hand him some water so that he can sober up a little before we leave .

May and I pulled up at the club a little later than we expected. We walk in as fast as we can so we aren't any later than we already was. We walk in looking for our friends and after a few seconds we found them sitting at a table in the back. There was a few of the people we knew and some I've never seen before. We walk towards them getting a little bummed around trying to get through the crowd.
"Hey guys  I told you we would make it" May said loud so they can hear her over the music and everyone laughed. May and I weren't really known for going out to the club we like to stay at home and watch Netflix together.
    After a few minutes we where introduced to everyone around us but while we where on the last girl I couldn't help but to look around the club and my eyes only focused on one person and that was Sang. I wasn't ready to see him yet so I excused myself to the restroom. On my way there I ended up bumping into a person who was extremely built and I could tell this from just bumping into them.
   I looked up to apologize and I got the shock of a life time it was my ex I wish I wouldn't have to see again. "Oh, hi Kong long time no see love" James said smiling while I was having an anxiety attack.

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