Kong's Pov

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I got really nervous I haven't seen p'James since the day I got sent to the hospital. Ever since that day I had to work on getting stronger because if I didn't I don't know where I would be at right now. I had to go to counseling and talk about everything over and over until I let anyone touch me again. I was scared of everyone including my mom and May but they stood by me when I was going through the worst now they're here for my best.
"I'm trying to get back to my friends so if you'll excuse me" I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm firmly so I couldn't move.
"Is one of them your new husband" he asked with a voice he only used when he was mad at me so I got a little scared. I didn't say anything I just sat there looking at him and I could tell he had a drink too many by just looking at him. I guess he didn't like the silence because he tightened his grip on my arm.
"Let go of my arm" I demanded but he didn't listen he just started to pull me into the restroom. While he pulled me I was trying to fight my way out of his grip but couldn't because he was too strong. Once we where in the restroom he threw me against the wall while he trapped me in with his with his arms both of his hands on the side of my head.
He looked me dead in the eyes and smiled. "I guess you can say I'm taking what I should have a long time ago" he said smashing his lips into mine while I tried to push him off. He pulled away with a devilish smile "come on baby stop fighting it will go a lot smoother for the both of us." He smashed his lips back onto mine and grabbed my hands just to pin them above my head .
He finally moved from my lips to my neck kissing to my collar bone. After a few seconds of this he grabbed the end of my shirt and pulled it very forceful over my head. When my shirt was finally off he wasted no time moving to my pants to unbutton them. When I noticed him doing so I started to hit him to get him off of me but this only pissed him off and he cocked his arm back and punched me in the face with so much force that I fell to the ground.
While I'm on the ground, grabbing my face where he had just punched me, he starts to kick me in my ribs and head. This goes on for a few second before the the door opens and I waste no time to scream for help. Out of nowhere P'James is pulled off of me and I hear a lot of screaming until I heard a name I knew.
"Sang grab the boy and make sure he is ok" someone said sounding as though he was struggling with something. Then after he said this I felt someone grab me off the ground and into their arms.
"Hey it's ok Kong I've got you now no one can hurt you." He said so smoothing and all I could do is snuggle into his arms. " Kong please open your eyes" wait I had my eyes closed I didn't even notice until now. I opened my eyes slowly so the light wouldn't hurt them then I look to the person holding on to me like I would break if he didn't. When I looked up I came face to face with my sexy roommate who looked as though he going to cry.
I eased my hand up to his face and wiped the tears that had fell. He looked down at me, our eyes meeting, and in that moment I forgot what had happened until I heard a bunch of banging behind us. I removed my hand and turned to see where James was and who had pulled him off of me. Then I seen P'Sang's friends from earlier on top of James beating the crap out of him.
All of this stopped the moment the door open again and May walks in like it's normal for a girl to walk into the men's restroom.
"Hey Sang what's taking you so long" she said before walking all the way in so she could see what was happening. When she finally saw me she stopped and looked around to take in what is happening in front of her. "What the hell is happening in here" she asked before looking at me . When her eyes finally fell on Sang and me her eyes got as big as golf balls. " What did y'all do to my best friend" she screamed pissed off.
"We did do anything this asshole was trying to rape him" Sang's Friend said finally getting off of James who looked like he got hit by a bus. I guess she knew who the person on the floor was even though his face was messed up because she walked straight up to James while all he could do is watch her
She squatted next to him and smiled . " How does it feel to be the one getting the shit beat out of them" she said giggling a little. She stood up and was going to walk away but she turned around then started to kick James as hard as she could.
" This is for putting him through what he went through you piece of shit" she screamed kicking him again " and this is for thinking of doing what you were going to do" kicking him two times this time. "I hope you life is hell" she screamed louder this time going to kick him but P'Moon Sang's friend i remember what his name was pulled her away from James.

" I think he had enough let's get out of here before we get in trouble" Moon said pulling May out of the restroom while Sang pulled me to my feet and grabbed my shirt handing it back to me. I forgot I didn't have a shirt on the whole time I was snuggling in his arms and I start blushing pulling my shirt over my head.
He helped me walk out of the club and into someone's car since May and I got here in a taxi. It was Moon and May in the front seat while Sang and I were in the back seat. Sang had me wrapped in his arms and it felt so good but I know he's only doing it because he felt sorry for me. We didn't drive for that long when we stopped I looked out of the window just to see that we were in front of our dorm room.

When we got to the room they all made sure i was ok and to be honest I was I didn't really feel anything thing but I know that was going to be a different story. When they knew I wasn't lying that's when all the questions started coming. "How did all of this happened? You said you would never talk to him again why where y'all in the restroom together?" May asked with a questioning face.
" I was walking to the restroom and bumped in to him. I said I had to go to my friends and tried to walk away from him before I had a mental breakdown but he grabbed me so I couldn't leave. Then he dragged me to the restroom and tried to umm you know" I said looking down not really wanting to think about what would have happened if P'Sang and P'Moon didn't walk into the restroom. "Then these two walked in just in time and you know what happened after that " I said not really wanting to talk about it.
"Ok I think that's enough for tonight let him get some sleep and we can finish this conversation later" Sang motioned towards the door and I guess the others got the same idea as him. They both said their goodbyes and left. The room was quite for a while until one of us worked up the courage to say any thing.
"I'm sorry for ruining you and your friend's night with all of this childishness. But I want to thank you for being there and helping me" I said looking at Sang while he walked towards me.
"You don't have to apologize you didn't do anything it's that bi*ch who should apologize" he said this looking mad like May had been at the club. I don't understand why he is so mad it's not like we really know or like each other.
" Do you mind me asking why you're so mad about this it's not like we didn't get into a fight earlier" I ask not moving my eyes from him.
"We might have got into a fight but that doesn't mean I would want you to get hurt. I care about you more than you know so I wouldn't let anyone hurt you I promise." Hearing this just confused me more like what did he mean by he cares for me more than I think. Does he like me? No Kong stop thinking like this a boy like that would never like someone like me.
"Do you mind me asking what do you mean by saying that" I only asked this so I don't have to over think everything and make myself stress about it.
"I mean that I...I...ok this is going to sound dumb and we haven't known each other for a long time but I think I like you. He said sounding nervous. "Like I've never felt like this for some one before and you can call it love at first sight because you took my breath away the moment I saw you in the elevator" I can tell he's nervous just from the way he said all of this is a hurry.
I didn't know when but I fell for this boy and hard "I like you too but I think we should talk about this tomorrow I'm really tired. It has also been a long night we should think about was said" I noticed that he looked a little sad after I said this but it's for the best I don't want to have a relationship like James again.
"Ok I understand we can talk about this tomorrow" he said smiling at me with I should say made me blush harder then I ever did before. He walked up to me still smiling like he didn't now what he was doing to me. "Goodnight" he said bending down kissing me on the four head walking to his bed and lying down facing the wall.
What The Fuck!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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