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“And welcome back to Sebastian Stan!”

Joss puts down the blow-horn and the set of Avengers 3 lights up with applause and whoops and hollers.

Sebastian blushes and his grip on your hand tightens as you walk on set. He nods and smiles at people, saying their names when he can recall them and relies only slightly on his cane. Another round or two of PT and doctors suspected he’d be able to finish the last of his scenes with the help of the hair department and some extensions.

The whole family comes in for hugs – even though they’ve hugged him dozens of times each since the accident. Sebastian, Chris and Mackie do their “secret” Captain America handshake they’d started on the set of Captain America 3. Scarlett gives him a kiss and Jeremy decides to get in on the action too. Mark avoids the kisses and settles with a high-five while Helmsworth sweeps him off his feet for a bear hug. Tom hugs him gently, afraid to hurt him and Bob hugs him and gives him a “European” kiss. Sam says he’s “One tough mother” before embracing him and the rest of the cast excitedly welcome him with hugs and kisses.

And as soon as each member is done with Seb they move on to you. Hugs and kisses and tears all around.

“How’s he doing? Really – not the PR stuff.” Chris asks.

“He’s getting there.” You smile. “He woke up crying the other night, he dreamed of the proposal.”

“Sweetheart, that’s awesome!” Chris says happily.

You laugh, “Except that wasn’t at all the way he proposed.” You smile at the look on Chris’ face, “But he does remember asking his mother for the ring and asking my family for permission. If he never gets those last few weeks back I’m still going to count it as a win.”  

“Well you both deserve all the wins in the world.” Chris smiles and kisses your temple.

“Evans get your meatball lips off my woman!” Sebastian challenges.

“Get over yourself Weiner Soldier.” Chris responds sticking his tongue out.

Chris hobbles over, waving his cane in the air like a clichéd old man. Chris relents and steps away and Sebastian takes you into his arms, “Maybe I’ll keep the cane. It seems to work for me.”

“It makes into more of a crotchety old man than you normally are. The cane is gone as soon as you don’t need it.” You respond.

“Brat.” Sebastian smiles at you.

“Takes one to know one sweetheart,” You grin before squealing when he tickles you.

Taking advantage of the moment he leans down and kisses you deeply. “Mmmm,” he moans from his throat before breaking the kiss. He studies you had for a long moment, “I love you. You know that right?

You smile and touch his face gently, “I always known that; even when you didn’t.”

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