Ch. 2

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Before I start the chapter, I'm sorry about the long delay— school is killing me and my boyfriend left me. So I'm kinda stressed— sorry again, here is the second chapter!!.
"Fuck you then—" I say to my father as he left the room shoving me out of his way.

I walked to my mother, she was on the floor crying so to my father hitting her again.

"Why don't you leave him? He is so cruel!" I say to my mom as she helped my sister up as well.

"He is all I have Finny, I cant risk to lose this house— he pays the bills, and I teach you and your sister." My mom said as she gave me a warm smile.

I sigh and go to my room to hide and come face to face with my tears— or should I say, my first demon I ever meet. I got to my room, and sat in my corner holding my knees and hiding my face crying. He then heard the sobs of another and looked up seeing a demon crying.

"A-Ace go away—" I say to the demon as he looked at me with red puffy eyes.

"S-Sorry sir." Said the short demon as he disappeared.

I got up and whipped away my tears as I went to bed hugging my pillow, I grabbed my pills and took 1 making me immediately tired. I passed out my dreams consuming me.

(Sorry it's small but it's all I got in me, hope you enjoy!! I'll be most likely making a q & a for question but it's a maybe, ok well I'm done...)

Word count: 279.

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