Chapter 2

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"Again, It's an examination on your speed and strength. You don't have anything to worry about. Your mother may have been the Original pack's Alpha, but your father was still only a human," he reminds.

Alpha Badar eases his luminous grey eyes and ruffles my hair. Black strands plop in front of my face and block my vision. I sigh at him before I briskly try to fix my hair.

"So what you're telling me is that I'm just as powerful as the average wolf? Am I basic?"  I ask moodily.

"Physically as basic as they come. But you've got a great personality to make up for it!" he taunts. I dramatically look away to let him know I'm salty. I fix my eyes on my bed. It's covered with a textured silver and gold comforter and a grey faux fur blanket at its end. My eyes trail to the right of my bed, to my light wood desk and chair. It's worn at the edges and one of the chair's legs has sparkly blue nail polish on it. Whoops. My eyes continue to follow the lavender coloured walls until I finally come back to Alpha Badar. I smile at him sadly before saying, "I guess after today I'll have more than you to keep me company." I pause, "and I'll be officially out of hiding."

Alpha Badar straightens his lips into a line. "Violet... I can't be your only human contact forever," he defends, "It can't be good for you. You haven't even seen members of this pack! I could teach you some things but high school level Calculus isn't one of them."

Exasperated, I lift my arms into the air. "What about Shadow pack?" I ask anxiously. At my own mention of the Shadow pack my heart begins to race. I put my hands back to their sides to hide from him the fact that they are shaking.

Badar lowers himself until he is down on one knee in front of me and holding both of my shoulders. His voice speaks directly to mine: 'The only member of Shadow pack that's seen your face is Alpha Arawn, and he thinks you're dead. There will be other Shadow pack members at your examination and at the school. You will have to keep calm. As long as you do that and can remember the backstory I gave you, you'll be safe. Try to keep relationships with others to a minimal. You never know who might turn on you if they found out the truth.' His grip on me tightens. 'If you ever feel unsafe you can come to me or my son, Kano."

"I don't know if you realize this Alpha," I point out, "but you've only let me interact with you and the pack doctor for four years. Your son could have an electric sign pointed to him and I still wouldn't know where to find him." Badar squints his eyes at me. Letting go of my shoulders, he stands back up.

"I was getting to that," he retorts. Then he looks to the wall behind me. I turn around and see my stand-in shower. In it are  two red bottles of conditioner and shampoo and a small, nearly completely disintegrated, bar of soap. Hanging over the door to the shower is a single green towel. I whip my head back at Badar to see that he's still looking into space. Then he turns his head to the right.

In the far right of the room lies a wooden door. The only door. And it opens. A young teenage boy with pitch black hair and pale grey eyes darts his head in. Seemingly confused, the boy hesitantly enters.

"What the hell... I didn't know we had this roo-" the boy cuts himself off. Those grey eyes pierce my own and I suddenly forget how to breathe. He turns to look at Badar and I am suddenly very aware that my hair's probably a complete mess. "Heyyy dad?" the boy inquires, "Is there a reason why you're alone in a secret room with a twelve year old girl I've never seen before?" Twelve?!

"Kano! You shut your mouth and come over here," Badar growls. The boy's eyes widen and he scurries over to stand beside me. His shoulder bumps mine and I take in a sharp breath. Chill out he thinks you're twelve, I remind myself.

Badar clears his throat and starts, "Well then... Kano, you remember the Ruby pack attack four years ago?"

Kano's eyebrows furrow, "I don't see what that has to do with-"

"I'm getting to it!" Badar barks out. He makes motions towards me, "This is the daughter of Luna Makatzi and Alpha Daimen." 

The boy's mouth forms an 'O'. I begin to feel very uncomfortable. "I know you!" he says, "Your name's... Bukaki!" Badar smacks the nitwit in the head before I can.

"Okami, son. Her names Okami," he corrects, "And I want you to watch out for her at the examinations and at school from now on. Alpha Arawn came to our back months after the attack looking for this girl. I doubt he's forgotten about her."

Kano shakes his head, "Why would he care if she's still alive? He was after Makatzi." My chest begins to hurt. I look down at my hands, thinking about a certain man's finger I bit off.

"With a man he appointed Alpha in charge, he practically owns Ruby pack," Badar explains, "If Violet were to be alive he'd lose Ruby pack. And I don't think that Arawn will lose it that easily.

Kano interrupts, "Wait. Wait. Wait. Who's Violet? Does Okami have a hot secret sister?"Badar puts a hand on his forehead in frustration.

"Violet is the name I gave her to hide her identity. I suggest you remember it, because you can't call her Okami outside of this room." The alpha turns to me. "Violet I'm sorry. He's never been this bad. My son's in a horrible stage in his development and my parenting book says I can't beat him," he remarks sadly.

"Ow!" Kano cries, "my head! I think you gave me a concussion dad!"

"Leave, Kano," Badar orders.

I watch as the boy brushes past me and leaves out the door he came from. Again, I am alone with Alpha Badar. His broad hands form fists that he places on each side of his hip.

"Follow him."

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. That's it huh? I can just... leave this room? I've wondered about all the amazing things that might be behind that door. A grand dining room, a lounge with a fireplace cackling in the center...

I take a small step towards the door. And another. My bare feet slide against the familiar fuzzy carpet as I get closer and closer to freedom.

I whip around. "Alpha, I don't have any shoes. How will I get to the examination?" I ask. Badar walks over to me and softly pushes me forward with his hand to my shoulder blades.

"Everything you'll need is in your room," he assures. I nod and slowly start walking again towards the door, until my hand finally grips the silver knob. My hands are covered with sweat as I try to turn it. I pull the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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