Chapter 1: Plot

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This is the story about Bo & Becka Black. They were not apart of the 2nd Fallen 100 no, they were not apart of that they were apart of the 1st Fallen. The most dangerous. Or should I say the most important Fallen. Only 5 of them survived after all the wars, the killings, after explosion after explosion. There was 5. There were Bo, Becka, Gavin, Briana, and Lee. Your probably wondering how the hell did they survive well, they aren't like all the other Fallen delinquents. No not one bit. They are well what people call them werewolfs. Yes, they are. How they didn't kill all their people is because they knew how to control their feelings and actions with their group but when the 2nd Fallen comes. It's a whole different story.
Becka's POV
We just found out that there was another group that's like us. Well that's what Anya said to Lincoln. He told us. I told the rest of us. Yes there used to be 200 of us. Delinquents according to Chancellor Jaha that's what we are. But now theres only 5 counting me left. I know Becka were the hell did you go wrong..well I don't either "Lee! Gavin! Briana! Bo! Let's go meet these other Fallen delinquents!" I said basically jumping out of the door "Wow! Calm down Becks!" Gavin said coming out of the house and I turned around and flashed my bright blue eyes at him with excitement "I'm sorry!" I said changing my eyes to dark green and then the rest came out "Y'all ready for another 200-100 to control?" Bo asked with a big ass smile plastered on his face "Hell yeah!" We all yelled and then we all changed into werewolfs. I love changing into one. You get to see more and plus no one messes with the biggest things on the planet.
**they made it like 2 hours later**
"We're here!" I barked and then stopped and changed back. Shit almost fell. Fuck I never do that "Hey Becks are you good?" Gavin asked of course he would noticed but aleast he whispered it "Yeah, lost my balance I guess." I said smiling hiding my worry and then I shot my attention to the delinquents "Theres only 97." Bo said and then we all looked at him "What do you mean only 97?" I asked and then we all looked around "I'll recount." Briana said writing in her journal "I count 90." Lee said recounting again "Theres 96." Briana said looking at all of us like we're stupid "I'll count again to make sure." Gavin said counting again and then looked at us "96." He said and then looking around and then his eyes got fixed on something or should I say someone "Shit.." Gavin said reaching for his knife and then I turned around to see Lexa. Shit. Then everyone else saw her and I started to stand up "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE LEXA! THIS IS OUR LAND!" I yelled causing people to look at me and then I heard someone yell " GROUNDERS!" And then I heard guns shots and then I saw Lexa smile "No, this will be my land once you all are dead!" She yelled causing the gun shots come towards us. I got pissed because of her for one and plus one of those motherfuckers just shot me in the leg. I spun around and saw the motherfucker and it was like a 12 year old kid "GOOD JOB CHARLOTTE! NOW SHOT TO KILL!" A guy yelled and then I got more mad and then I started to run towards them "BECKA! NO YOU CAN'T THEY AREN'T READY!" Bo yelled and ran after me and then another bullet went to the same spot "STOP! WE ARE FROM THE SKY TOO!" Gavin yelled and then a girl popped out of nowhere "Gavin?" She asked and then a big smile appeared on his face "Clarke." He said with joy in his voice and then he ran to her and hugged her "Clarke! You know them?!" A guy yelled and then I noticed it was the one telling the girl to kill me "You dick." I said and then punched him in the face and I kept on punching until Bo had to pull me off. My eyes were really red the reason I know is because all i see is red nothing else they've never been this bad "Wow, what the hell is wrong with her!?" Clarke asked to Gavin and then I got my vision back and I didn't like that they were so close I don't know why I just didn't like it "Get the fuck away from him." I said frimly and then they both looked at me in shock "What?" She asked and then I pushed Bo off of me and to my surprise he fell straight on his ass. Then Gavins eyes turned gray(that means hes worried or concerned) "Becka are you ok?" He asked and then my eyes went black and then I turned and ran. What the hell is wrong with me!?!? Then I fell "UGH!!!" I yelled and then I started to cry. What the hell I never cry and then I started to scream "BO!BO!BO!HELP!" I cried and then I realized that he wasn't with me but I heard him coming hes just a few miles away. Then I heard a yell "Shes over here!" A guy yelled it sounded familiar "Are you sure Bellamy?" I heard Briana ask "Yeah I'm sure." Bellamy said firmly and then I started to shake and scream more. It feels like I'm being burned but also stabbed at the same time "Hey! Hey! Becks! Look at me! Look at me! Ok I need you to focus on me!" I heard someone yell and then all sudden I shot up pushing the guy that was yelling off and then ran more. What the hell!? STOP! Then I fell on a rock or should a say motherfucking bolder!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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