Forever His

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~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

        My eyes flicker open as I take in my surroundings. Everything is small, cold, and dark. I can hear footsteps and the low hum of voice from above. Is anyone there? I move the wrong way and I feel the hand cuffs tear at my raw wrists. I let out a shout of pain as tears form at the corner of my eyes. The footsteps stop abruptly. I hear the low murmur of a question being asked. More footsteps. The door to the place I was being held in opened and a tall figure approached my cell.
        "My lady, I must request that you keep the noise down. The young master is in a very important meeting right now and I'm afraid that you being here would reflect poorly on the young master's reputation," Sebastian stated calmly, red eyes reflecting what little light came through the door.
        "Please..." I begged quietly, holding up my chained wrists, shaking. "Please take them off..."
        "My lady, you know I can't do that without the young master's permission," replied the butler with a wicked smirk. I lowered my wrists while on the verge of tears. I looked up at him with pleading eyes.
        "How... How long have I been here for?" I asked him.
        "Two weeks and five days, approximately. Now, if you'll excuse me, my lady, I must go tend to dinner preparations." With that, he promptly turned on his heel, walked back up the stairs, and closed the door again. Once again, I was in the dark. I curled into a ball and started sobbing. As the sobs wracked my body, I let my mind wander.
        Why hasn't anyone come to save me yet? Am I that unnoticed? I thought back to Annalise and Nathan. How are they doing? Are they still alive? ... Do they even miss me? Have they tried to find me? I tried to remember my parents' faces, but they were slowly fading from my memory. Same with their voices. I curled up into a ball, eventually falling asleep.

~Ciel's P.O.V~
        The man in front of me was droning on and on about how the Funtom Company could benefit by becoming business partners. Rubbish. He had absolutely no business skills and was only talking to me in an attempt to save his failing company from absolute destruction. I heard a shout from below, where my beautiful (Y/n) was being held. The man paused, ceasing his pacing.
        "What was that noise?" the man questioned.
        "I'm sure it was nothing," I assured him.
        "Are you sure, Earl Phantomhive? It sounded like a scream. Someone might be in trouble!" he said nervously.
        "It was probably just one of the servants. Sebastian!" I assured him, sending Sebastian to go quiet my chained bird.
        "Yes, my lord," he responded and headed down to shut her up.
        "Would you care to play a game of chess?" I asked the man, cutting him off as he was about to restart his narrative. He seemed hesitant and almost surprised, but nodded quickly. What a boring man.

        After about ten minutes, the game was over. "Checkmate," I stated calmly as my rook, bishop, and knight trapped his king. He stood up, shocked, and started turning red in the face.
        "You must have cheated!" he exclaimed, "There is no way I would lose to a brat like you!"
        "That will be quite enough, Mr. Bunbury. I'm afraid I must ask you to leave now. You've overstayed your welcome." I said, glaring up at him. He quickly backed down.
        "Ri... right..." He stuttered, backing way from me. He quickly darted out the door and sprinted to his carriage, leaving in a hurry.
        "What a foolish waste of time," I muttered. I smirked slightly. 'Don't worry, my doll, I'm coming.'

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

        I was awoken from my nap with a start. There were two glowing red eyes above me. Ciel. I let out a shriek and backed away.
        "Why do you still cower when in my presence, my love?" he growled, reaching out for a strand of my (h/c) hair. I shivered slightly as he touched me, unable to find my voice. In the low light, I noticed him examining me. His eyes stopped when he got to my wrists. Ciel grasped them slowly, lifting them up and viewing the marks that the cuffs had left.
        "Now that simply won't do... Sebastian!" he called out. The raven-haired butler appeared in the blink of an eye.
        "Yes, my lord?"
        "Take these cuffs off. They're harming my beautiful song bird," he stated bluntly. In a blink, the handcuffs were off and my bleeding wrists were exposed. Ciel reached for them and I flinched automatically, shutting my eyes. His delicate grip startled me. He kissed the back of my hand. I felt a shiver go down my spine. He almost seemed... soft... kind... I got lost in his eyes for a moment. Then he started laughing like a maniac. No, not like a maniac. He was - is - a maniac.
        "My poor, sweet, innocent (Y/n)," he started, "We'll be together forever. Don't worry about anything, my doll. Your business is safe in my hands. I let the newspapers know that our companies are working together. No one will ever know you're gone..." I saw a far off but crazed look in his visible eye, almost as though he was talking to himself. "They'll never separate us... NEVER! You're mine... After so long..." he leaned closer. I closed my eyes, struggling to get away from him. Suddenly, he kissed me aggressively. I tried to pull away, but he put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him.
        "Don't worry, my love... You'll learn to accept my love eventually. Until then, however, I'm afraid we'll have to put these back on!" he said, waving the handcuffs around again. My eyes widened.
        "No... No, please!" I begged. He simply laughed as he fastened them on once again, tighter this time than ever before.
        "Please don't go! Please take them off! I'll be good, I'll love you!" I cried. He reached over, patting my head as if I was a dog, then closed the door to my cell. As he practically skipped up the stairs, his crazed laugh echoed throughout the room. Tears streamed down my face as the door slammed shut, condemning me to darkness once more. Whispers echoed in my head. I'm forever his...

A/N: When I originally wrote this on Quotev, it was February of 2015. I intended it to be a oneshot, but then got many requests to continue it, so I did in February of 2019, 4 years later. Thank you for reading and have fun with Earl Phantomhive and his obsession with you.

Yandere!Demon!Ciel Phantomhive x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now