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~Ciel's P.O.V~

There she was. There was my precious, little (Y/n). She was wearing that matched perfectly with her family's colors, red and black, and family crest, angel wings. She was surrounded by many papers, shuffling through them as I watched without her knowledge. She was in her study, seeing as how she was the head of the (L/n) family and had inherited the family fortune and mask company. I watched as she gazed longingly out the window, causing me to catch sight of the mask that she always wore. I wonder what is under that mask. I questioned. She was always wearing it and made sure that her outfit always matched it. I watched until Sebastian came and got me, seeing as how it was getting late. I took one last glance at her, taking in all of her beauty. Everything, from the way her (h/l), beautiful, (h/c) hair framed her face, to the way her soft, (e/c) eyes shined in the evening light. That made my decision final. I will make her mine. No matter what.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

I sighed as I lied my head down on my desk. I was getting really tired, seeing as how it was getting late. There was a soft knock on the door. "My lady, it is almost time for you to retire for the night. Shall I draw a bath and prepare your night clothes?" my maid, Annalise, quietly asked. "Yes, please. That would be greatly appreciated." I replied, yawning. "It will be ready right away, My Lady," Annalise responded, before running off to prepare the bath. I slowly got up and made my way to the study door, but stopped when I felt a slight breeze come through the room. I turned around, noticing that the window was open. I sighed, noticing that the handle on the window was broken, before closing it. I will have to ask Nathan to fix that for me tomorrow. Then, I walk towards the bathroom for my bath.

When I got there, Annalise helped undress me and get me in. I love that girl, so sweet and kind. She was like a sister to me. "My Lady, do you want to take off your mask this time?" she asked me. "No thanks. I would prefer to keep it off." I replied. She nodded in response. I felt her soft fingers running through my (h/c) hair, washing and brushing it thoroughly. Soon, I got out of the bath and dressed in a light blue nightgown. Soon, after that, she tucked me in and said goodnight.

-The next morning-

I woke up to the sun shining through the windows of my red and black room. I sat up, yawning as I did so. I saw Annalise by the side of my bed holding a cup of tea for me. "Good morning, My Lady," she said with a soft smile. "Good morning," I replied. "Do you wish to know your schedule for the day?" Annalise asked. "Yes, please," I replied. "This morning, you have dance lessons with Mr. Dente, then flute and piano lessons with Ms. Lena, concluding with violin lessons from me. This afternoon, you have a meeting with Earl Ciel Phantomhive at his estate." Annalise finished. "Very well," I responded. Then, Annalise helped me into my clothes for the day.

I went down to the Dining Room for breakfast and to the Ballroom for my dance and other lessons. The morning passed by too quickly, and soon it was time for my least favorite part of the day. Meetings. I hated meetings. They were so boring and dragged on and on forever. Most people took my young age of 15 for granted, thinking that I was too young and too naive to realize when they were trying to trick me into giving them more money. I climbed into the carriage and Annalise saw my expression of distaste. "By the way, My Lady, I don't know if you realized this, but Earl Phantomhive is the same age as you are," she said. My eyes went wide. Someone who was my age? It almost seems too good to be true! Hopefully he won't try to trick me and will be mature. I don't know what I would do if I was stuck in a meeting with an immature brat. With that final thought, we arrived at the manor.

Annalise and I were helped out of the carriage by a raven-haired butler with red eyes. I found that a little suspicious before realizing that he was a demon. I saw that Annalise noticed too, but I stayed calm and pretended that I didn't. "I am Sebastian, the head butler of this estate. I suspect that you are Lady (Y/n) (L/n)?" Sebastian asked. "Indeed I am. I am here for a meeting with the Earl. May you show me the way?" I asked calmly. "Of course, My Lady," he replied. I saw that he was smirking a little, worrying me. Nothing good ever comes from a smirking demon.

Sebastian led me to a room, knocking on the door before entering. "My Lord, Lady (Y/n) (L/n) is here." he said. The room was quite plain, with a desk in front of the window facing the door. I saw the back of a chair behind it. Slowly the chair turned revealing a young man with navy blue hair, blue eyes, and an eye patch. "Good day, Earl Phantomhive," I said, with a small curtsy. "Please, there is no need for formalities, Lady (L/n). You can just call me Ciel." Ciel said with a small smile. "Thank you, Ear- Ciel. You can call me (Y/n)." I replied with a smile. "Very well, (Y/n). Shall we proceed with our meeting?" he asked. "Of course," I replied.

-Time skip-

It was getting late and the sun was setting. I stood up. "My apologies, Ciel, but it is getting late and I must be going," I said. "Nonsense. You can spend the night here," he responded, also standing up. "No, I must be going." I said, "Thank you for your hospitality." I started to walk towards the door. "Fine then. If you won't stay, then I will make you stay." Ciel said. My eyes widened and I turned around. The last thing I saw was a pair of red eyes that belonged to Ciel before a cloth was placed over my mouth and I passed out.

-Time skip-

I woke up on something cold. "Annalise..." I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes, "Please bring me-" My eyes went wide. I wasn't in my comfortable bed at home. I was on the ground in a cold cell with my hands chained to a pole in the middle of the room. "I see that you are finally awake, my masked maiden." a voice said from the darkness. "Ciel? Is that you? What did you do to me? Why am I here?" I asked in a panic. I heard a laugh. "Yes, it is me. You were being a bad girl. You were trying to escape me, but let me tell you something. I love you and you are never getting out of here. Dead or alive." I felt a shiver go up my spine as he said the final few words. "Now shall we see what is under that pretty mask of yours?" he questioned. "No... please no..." I whimpered. I heard the cell door slide open, creaking as it went. Then I realized something. He was a demon, too. Ciel came over to me, reaching for my mask. I struggled so much that he couldn't touch it. "Sebastian, this is an order: Tie her completely to the pole and don't let her escape from me. Ever." he said, and Sebastian did exactly that. As soon as I was restrained, he took off my mask. I screamed as the appeared on my face. Ciel touched them. "Beautiful..." he mumbled. "Now tell me, (Y/n), what are you? And just a warning, if you don't answer or don't answer truthfully, you will be punished." he said to me. "I-I am.... h-half human, h-half phoenix." I stuttered. Ciel chuckled. "Beautiful... And now you are finally mine... Forever."

Let's just say, deciding to go to that meeting was the worst decision of my life.

Yandere!Demon!Ciel Phantomhive x Reader OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now