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"Ok so you were right. "
"As I always am-"
"Don't push it mark- but anyway,,this sand is,, in places I didn't know wete possible."
"You'll be fine."

The younger looked out the window. He didn't say anything after. The sun was setting and the dread began to pile up. This was day 3, and it was almost over. Tomorrow is their last day togther. While the festival does last a week, the last day isn't a full day as the planet's begin to seperate around 2pm. It's only two years right? It couldn't be that bad.

"Where do you wanna go now?"

If he was being honest, he didn't know. He just wanted to spend time with mark.

"Can we go to your um.. Special place?"

Donghyuck was scared that he would say no but mark only smiled and began to drive.


Donghyuck kept his head on the rolled down window. He enjoyed the warm air going through his hair.

"I'm gonna miss the beach." Donghyuck blurted out suddenly.
Mark didn't say anything but hyuck knew he was listening.
"The ocean too. I felt so free. I'm glad I met you mark." Donghyuck now had his head up and was facing mark.
"I mean it."

Mark said nothing and hyuck began to panick.

"I'm glad I met you too Hyuck, I really am."

They finally arrived at the hill where the tree stood up proudly. Donghyuck suddenly came to a realization.

"Mark.. How did you bring me up here last time? I was asleep!"
"You don't remember? You were half asleep and I carried you via piggyback ."
"I don't know-"

Mark laughed as hyuck climbed up the tree. They sat on the same branch as last time enjoying the orange sky.
"The sun always shines here. It never goes away."
"Is that a bad thing?"

Mark looked directly at Donghyuck as he spoke.

"It's never been a bad thing."

Hyuck is back and I'll be making another chapter whoop whoop

Every Two Years//MarkhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now