Michael Mell in YouTube Hell

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Okay, this one, I guarantee you, is going to sound really weird. But hey, it's my mind, it's my realm of eternal bullshit, so here we go.

Somehow, I was having a family gathering in Los Angeles with these random people I've never met. We were all staying in this two story house, 99% of the people staying downstairs in sleeping bags, and I was staying upstairs in the sort of nook thing that had a desk with two jewler's eyepieces. SPECIFICALLY TWO. Like, what the goddamn hell, this is what I come up with? Ooh, it had a swivel chair with no back to it (mind you really know how to treat me) It also had one of those black lamps, like the one that's from Pixar, but just black and a lot taller. But it was really Tumblr-Esque like a frickin' cabin in the woods, aah, it was so cute! Did I mention the walls were white, and were slanted, with a window (from ceiling to floor) leading to the roof? Alrighty, next on. (Jesus, I'm English and I can't even write a sentence without cringing)

I also have to mention that this guy who was supposedly my uncle gave me a hug when I first got to the house and talked about making special spaghetti "like when you were a kid." I mean, I was weirded out, this guy totally could have been a pedophile or something, but hey, free spaghetti is free spaghetti. Oh, I also have to mention, I saw my mom and my sibling like twice. This was a family gathering, MoThER!

Quick jump cut, and I'm on Broadway, peforming Be More Chill. (Took you by surprise, right?) And yes, dear reader, I was still in Los Angeles. Nothing had changed. (There was Broadway in Los Angeles? Someone get this kid a book on seeing into the future because hot damn, that's a good idea!) All I remember about the theatre was that (since it was Broadway) I expected to be really frickin' huge with a lot of seats and balconies and shit, but it was actually smaller than my local theatre. (Needless to say, I was disappointed.) But somehow, I wasn't exactly playing a character, but at the same time playing a character??? I was just up there, randomly saying other people's lines.  I don't really remember much, but I knew I had a really good friendship with the guy who plays Michael Mell currently on Broadway (George Salazar) and let me tell you, I hecking adore Michael Mell's sweatshirt. Like, I'd jump of a cliff to get that sweatshirt. (I'd probably jump off a cliff for many other things than just Michael Mell's sweatshirt.) Yeppers, wrapping that section up, all that was really important there was I forgot a few lines, and the actor for Jake Dillinger and I hugged like once. Goddamn score if you ask me.

Dear reader, have you ever been to the Lincoln Memorial down in Washington D.C, America? My fellow americans who live there, do you guys like run up the steps to Lincoln every day as exercise? Because if you did/do you should be stronger than Thor with Mjolnir. Okay, now picture in the middle of those steps, a giant, completely square pool filled with a milk like substance, horse hair, melted cheese, and some old shoes. But this monstrosity was also in the theatre. Like the stairs were going up to the main stage. Sort of like a Shawn Mendes concert. So, being the idiot people were, they decided to dunk their hands in it and shit. Being the idiot I was, I volunteered to go swimming in that goddamn demon pool. And you can bet your ass I went swimming in it and almost regretted it. (Thank the lord for showers.) Anyway, I went swimming in it, saw a few friends from school, and lo and behold, George Salazar himself, that bastard, gave me his Michael Mell sweatshirt so my clothes could...I dunno, do something? I didn't take them off, and it never bothered me, so okay??? I guess???

There was a bit of a time skip, and I helped Jack Dylan Grazier and Finn Wolfhard get some information, and I climbed a lamp post and asked a guy who was selling overexpensive Broadway tickets in a convertible booth for a Playbill for Be More Chill.

My sibling and my Mom got to see Dear Evan Hansen, and I got jealous, and retaliated saying that "I could just see the illegally recorded one online."

Yes, I know, there was another time skip, and somehow, George Salazar and I, the bestest buds of the century had an awful falling out, and he told me to fuck off or something, I dont remember. (MIcHaEL mELL hOw cOULd yOU?????) But the problem was, I still had his sweatshirt. There was another time skip about 6 years into the future, and I was determined to find my best friend George Salazar and make things right again.

Do you know Diagon Alley? I know, I can practically hear the fangirls screaming. Picture that, in LA with really cute stores and shit, and wowie wow, that would actually be pretty cute, like all stone path-y and shit with signs being held up by sticks of wood and stuff with the sign dangling from it with metal chains?? Aaaahhhhh, mind the rant, that would be so cute. Anyway, I went to the store George was working in 6 years ago (it was a store that sold baby wear and stuff, all naturally made from recycled materials and stuff) and of course, I was still wearing his goddamn hoodie. When I couldn't find him, I asked the front desk if they knew where Michael Mell was currently employed. Confused, the receptionist asked me who Michael Mell was. In horror of what I just did, calling George Salazar by his own stage name, I corrected myself, calling him by his real name. The receptionist did know where he worked, telling me to check the tutoring place down the street. I did, and asked THAT receptionist if they knew where George was. Indeed, they did, and I had to wait EXACTLY (I kid you not) 52 minutes until he was done with his tutoring session. I did, going back to the house in which after 6 years, we were still having that family reunion??? I came back, and waited a few more minutea before my boio in bright shining armor came out of a door, and we hugged and shit, and he apologized. It began to rain, and we both walked back to the Family Reunion house, talking about how Nintendo should release a Wind Waker remake for the Nintendo Switch.

The End!

If you liked any of this, don't hesitate to tell me, and please, if this inspired you to write something (perhaps using this as a prompt) please notify me so I can support you!

(I practically got arthritis from writing this whole thing on my phone)

As soon as I get another dream worth noting, I'll plunk it down here. It's 11:00 where I am currently, and I.....don't need sleep because sleep is for the weak.


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