3# Honey and Rei

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"Now then, what does one do in this kind of situation?" Honey calmly placed a finger on her chin in a thinking pose.

It was truly a beautiful sight seeing a charming young girl with dew eyes exuding maturity and elegance. Those slender fingers perfectly matched her fair skin, that pouty red lips, and her current wronged expression. Who could stop themselves from wanting to inquire about her problems as a concerned passerby?

This distressed teenager tried to analyze her current situation. From observing her surroundings and the people, she noticed the different language, the town's architecture, and the weather in comparison to London where they were minutes ago. Thank god they spoke English as well so Honey could at least communicate with the residents and prevented others from asking how she was illegally smuggled to wherever this was when she asked for the town's name and today's date.

For now, she was lamenting her pitiful life in the town's park. She sat on a bench nearby a duck pond. She saw children with parents or peer groups mingling around the edge, chunking bread crumbs into the pond to feed the flock of fluffy gluttons.

How adorable. I want to feed them as well... If I have any Italian currency that is.

That was right, people. Italian currency. Did she say she was currently in Italy and not England anymore? Interestingly, she had no idea how she managed to be in this boot-shaped country from an island-country. They were not even connected by road! Did she swam across the English Channel and walked over a thousand miles to Italy?!


Based on how illogical it was, Honey could only grudgingly accept the circumstances. She was now stranded in Italy, alone and penniless. However, there was a strong feeling inside indicating her two crazy friends were also nearby therefore, she was at least comforted.

But why are we separated when we traveled across together? Can't we be lump together in one place? I can't even get a signal around here so how am I supposed to find them...

"Oh well, it's no use fussing over spilled milk. Let's just walk around. Who knows I might meet them somehow."

Honey chose to wander without a specific destination, merely following her heart. Somehow she had a feeling that something interesting would happen if she went that way. The teenager window-shopped and browsed the pretty things sold inside the shops. Sadly, she had no money to throw.

"Kitty!" Honey suddenly squealed.

The cat that entered Honey's sight was a female Calico. Being a cat lover, Honey trembled in excitement. The cat has yet to notice her thus, she crept forward like a thief. With sensitive senses, the cat felt an intense gaze and presence behind making it hissed in fright. It hurriedly ran away.

Honey immediately chased after it. A game of chase started, between a cat (Honey) and the mouse (the cat).

It was known that Honey could be very persistent even if it meant using the same path only a cat could. If the cat climbed a wall, she would follow. If the cat chose to run on the roof, Honey would follow. They jumped over a bridge, garden fence, empty crates, even forcing through narrow passages. The cat began to freak out as it cursed the stubborn human. What kind of a stalker was she, not letting a cat living in peace?!

Meanwhile, the human, Honey had so much fun playing. When focused on something she liked, Honey's bad habit surfaced. The girl tended to forget everything around. Chasing after the cat, she did not realize that she had arrived at a warehouse district several distances away from the town center. The area was quiet and peaceful with nobody around. Except for the three black cars parked in front of a particular warehouse and nine men in black suits stationed around them.

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