Stuck! (Part 4)

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"Fuck! Now what do we do?" Josh curses in frustration
"I don't know...are you willing to sleep in the car for the night?" Cody asks still in a little shock from Josh's sudden outburst
"Uh I don't know. I've slept in like a bus..but not a car, I don't know how safe I would feel." Josh replies while looking out of the side mirrors
"Well the only thing we could do is slowly pick up the trees. One by one we may be able to clear the road enough." Cody suggests with a little smile.
Josh sighs in defeat
"It's the only way." Josh replies before taking his seatbelt off.
"Alright, I'll stop the engine to save fuel, I'll keep the headlights on, let's hope my battery isn't too flat from the wait." Cody says as he too steps out into the freezing cold night, the bitter wind snapped and bit his skin.
"Geez.." Cody complains as both him and Josh go to the trees in front on them.
Josh touches one of ten trees bark, it was wet and the moss felt like seaweed
"Ew!" Josh squeals
"Haha. Okay Josh on 3 I need you to pull your side up, I will do the same." Cody explains as he grabs his side of the tree.
"Uh okay." Josh just agrees as he too holds his side
"Okay 1.2.3!" Cody shouts as both of them lift up their side, they didn't get far until Josh suddenly drops his side almost making Cody drop his side on his leg.
"Ah shit sorry man this tree is super slippery. I can't get a grip." Josh explains as he disgustingly wipes the moss of his fingers
"! Okay I've got an idea, you just push up your side and keep it up. I'm gonna see if I could fit the car underneath." Cody explains as he slowly makes his way to the car again
"What?!" Josh asks in a panic
"Just push it up!" Cody shouts before getting in the car.

Josh sighs loudly, he looks at the tree before grabbing it again and lifting it as high as he could.
"Ugh! Come on!!" Josh shouts in annoyance
Cody starts the car, the engine roars to life again. Slowly he car rolls towards the gap in the road.
"Quickly!" Josh shouts
The car rolls a little faster.
It was getting closer it was pretty much underneath the gap. Josh was getting tired. He knew if he dropped the tree now it would fall and crush Cody!
"It's almost through! Just a little further!" Cody shouts out the window.

Finally the car was through. The road was clear afterwards. Josh just shoves the tree onto the fall. He was tired. He just wanted to go home.
"Thank god." Josh sighs as he gets into the passenger seat.
"Haha your workout is done for the week." Cody jokes
"Yeah, next time it's your turn." Josh replies
"We'll see about that" Cody laughs

Finally they could go home. It was a tiring night and Josh still had loads of places to explore with Cody tomorrow. He just wanted to go to bed. So maybe now he could.

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