The little girl

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Once upon a time, there lived a mother. She had six children and she wished the children where very good. One day, a child grow and became a pretty girl. The mother was very happy. The mother admitted her to school. She likes the school very much. The school was very quiet. The girl came home. Her mother said "how was the school?"
The girl said"the school was great!"
Her mother smile and said "you are a good girl."
The girl said"thank you mommy". The girl went in her room. The room was very beautiful and clean. It was The night. She slept very happily. She woke up and she tell to her mother" I slept very happily"
Then she went school again. Her teacher said "you are a brave girl."
Then she read her book. Then she eat her breakfast and she went to ground them it was off time.



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