A new threat

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As the two continues to sleep peacefully in the cave the large creature from outside emerges from the water (it looks like the dinosaur up top). The large creature then walks to the caves opening and peers in looking inside as it spots Lillie and The Hybrid sleeping peacefully. The creature then reaches its long arm to Lillie as its fishhook like claw pokes itself through her clothing and starts to pull her from The Hybrid's grasp. As she continues to get pulled The Hybrid feels around for her not feeling her as he opens his eye seeing Lillie getting pulled as he stands up quickly and lets out a bone chilling roar at the creature pulling her. Lillie wakes up quickly from the roar and looks at the creature pulling her as she paralyzes with fear and tries getting away The Hybrid then runs to the two as he jumps at the creature violently pushing it back as the creature lets go of Lillie and tumbles back.

The Hybrid grabs the creature by the neck and pushes it back as he lets out another roar and gets into a battle stance as the creature roars back and slashes at The Hybrid's face making him stumble back while Lillie watches completely shocked from the cave's entrance. The Hybrid grabs at his face and growls in pain as the creature runs past him quickly and swoops up Lillie running deeper into the cave as The Hybrid regains his strength he looks to the cave and walks in slowly growling loudly as he makes his claw curl up in anger. As the creature continues to run down the cave holding Lillie it then stops quickly looking down as their was another cave opening leading to an vast ocean The creature smiles seeing this as an opportunity and jumps into the water as from behind The Hybrid snaps his jaws at the creature missing it. The creature splashes into the water as it floats back up and has Lillie by her hood dangling in its teeth as The Hybrid looks down at the two Lillie looks up at The Hybrid with pleading and wet eyes with fear. The Hybrid looks down afraid knowing he couldn't swim but, something in him snapped as his eyes glow a dark red and he lets out a loud roar as it sent out for miles shaking the ground and water, the creature just lets out a chuckle like growl as it swims away with Lillie as she remained quiet watching The Hybrid disappear from sight...

The Hybrid watches angrily as he takes a final look to the ground and lets out a deep sigh as it makes its decision and jumps down to the water as a tremendous splash comes after the impact. The Hybrid then breaches the surface as he looks around and struggled to stay afloat as it growls in agitation his head plunging under the water over and over. As he kept plunging over and over his life flashed before his eyes as he lost his strength and lets out a final roar while he plunges into the water again he lets himself sink to the bottom as tears formed in his eyes and closes them. Above the water bubbles were shown from The Hybrid's breathing on the surface after a little longer the bubbles disappear. The water goes back to being still as the creature continues to swim with Lillie dangling from its tooth while Lillie watched The Hybrid go under the water and she watched with her eyes wet with tears as she mumbles out quietly "He's gone..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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