Is The Feeling Gone ?

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        " MinMin , Do you really love me ?"

        " Yahh .. Riri , why are you asking those kind of questions ? I love you okay ? I will do everything for you. Just, please .. Don't doubt my feelings about you ! "                                               He pouted upon saying those words ..\

        " Hahaha .. Stop pouting . i'm just asking okay ? You're so cuteeeee .. Hahahaha .. :D"           

        " Yeah , Just laugh . You always make fun of me . Tsk .. "  

     " Hahaha .. No way , It just that you're so cute when you pout . You're too good to be true :)"

     " Aisttt .. Your always laughing even on serious things .. "                                                                She cupped his face and make him look at her but he just look on the ground ..

        " Aistt .. Look at me .. Common , Look at me MinMin "

  But he didnt take a single a glance at her ...

        " Tsss .. yah , you'll look at me or i will kiss any random guy here ?"

   The boy immediately look at her upon hearing his girlfriend's statement ..

        " hahaha .. you're really funny ! Cuteeee .. "

       " Yahhhh .. as i was expected , you'll laugh at me again .. "

        " hmmm .. how can you be so cute ~? hahaha .."

        " Tsk .. Laugh again or I'll kiss you ? Choose ? "

        " haha .. o-kay ~ ! I'll stop .. Min .. Stop thinking that im just making fun of you .. okay ? I just ask you that question because i want to know if you still love me or not .. "

        " I love you okay ? I will always do .. Don't ever ever forget that i do ..  huh ? "

 She smiles on what her boyfriend stated ..

        " Now , I''ll ask you the same question .. Christelle Marie ,  Do you love me ?"

        The girl look intensely into his eyes for a while and then she slowly tilt her face to give him a peck on the lips . He is shocked on what she did . He stood there for a moment but eventually close his eyes savoring the moment.

        Then the girl pulls out from the kiss , with a sweet smile plastered on her lips .. She cupped his face , looking intensely into his eyes ..

        " Kim Minseok , Always remember that I love you , okay ? I love you very much that i will sacrifice everything for yoy. I've met you in this beautiful place and having you will be a best lifetime memory for me . I LOVE YOU AND WILL ALWAYS BE .. "


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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