Wonce apon aye tyme their was a dynow named bobb he was very interasted in paleintology. One day he cooked an amayzing soup out of his friends bones and scinn's. evary thyme won of hys freinds dyed he wood use there scinn and bones. Hys side job wuz to kyl hys freinds and two gathere they're bowdi parts and kooc thems stuffs up into yummy yummy supe. Yu's May bee ascing wut cynd of dynow he is butt onestly bobb dosnt even now wut breed of dynow he is. oops. that not gud is it? your rite it not. not at all!!!! i tink he myte be a cocosaurus rex.
A/N: o mi gawd tank yu so much four reeding this tuk mi a rely long thyme to rite. i dunt now abut yu butt this is thy best story i hav ever red.