Untitled love 10

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"Why are not saying something? Tell me the truth, Elena." 

Tears began to drop from his eyes. Seeing her emotionless face, hurt him even more as it looked like she was not affected by the situation.

Elena was speechless, she didn't know how to start the conversation. She wanted to tell him the truth in the near future but not this way.

"Dheer, We will talk about this later. What about going to Sunrise Cafe after the class"

Dheer stopped Benji from speaking further.

"I don't want to listen to anything from you. You always hated me, you just talked to me because she asked you to. I want to know truth from Elena, not from some stranger"

"Yes, It is true that we live together but there is nothing between us nor did I wanted to hide it from you. I wanted to tell you the truth when the time would have been right as I was afraid of hurting you" Elena spoke trying to calm herself.

"Hurt me? You have already done that by not telling me the truth. Really being alone saves you from a lot of shit. I don't want to talk to you again"

Dheer sadly turned and began to go into class

"At least say sorry as you meant it" dheer muttered and went inside.

{After School}

"Listen Dheer! Look I am sorry. I never wanted to lie to you. You were already facing so much pain that I didn't want you to worry too much about it. I wanted to help you get out of Tartarus but I think I pushed you more into its depth. I am sorry, Dheer." 

Elena stopped Dheer from going out of class while benji went ahead. 

"Help me, get out of what? So you were just trying to be shining knight in the white. You saw a puppy and you decided to adopt him. That is what I am for you- "A puppy". You showed your love to me just out of sympathy, when you always loved Benji. Isn't it the truth?" 

"Yes, I love benji but out of respect. That idiot is the one who brought our family back to being normal. Even if he is intolerable, he is the one who brought a smile to our faces. I don't love him like marry me type but as be a friend with me forever. You are the one who I loved since"

"What does this even mean? You want to be with him forever, You live with him and sleep with him. But you are saying nothing is between you, how can someone not be suspicious about you both living you together?"

Dheer stormed at her. His cheeks were the same as the colour of his house shirt- Red. In his mind, He wanted to forget everything, hug her and tell her everything is fine. He wanted to kiss her, embrace her and show how much he loved her but now he wanted her to be out of his life. She was his addiction which had become dangerous to his health.

"You never said you loved me but then why are so angry at me. We were friends and you never talked or looked at me like you looked at your ex. So why do you even care about my life?" 

Elena tried to keep her calm but she had lost it too.

"We are friends and friends never lie to each other. You were my light but you pushed me to the brink of darkness. I thought that you will get me out of my misery but you just increased my pain."

"I never meant to "Elena was stopped by benji.

"You don't need to prove your innocence to anyone. You think you only have suffered pain. She had suffered much more than you, even before you stopped peeing in your pants. Everyone has some problems in their life, You are not so special." 

"Shut up, You don't know what being lonely means. When you look at everyone and all you can see is killing them or yourself. I was a misanthrope and that I hated the most. You hated me because she spends more time with me. You were jealous because the girl you loved was spending more time with me."

Dheer stopped when he saw benji laughing.

"What is wrong with you, Benji. Don't you have a heart, laughing during such serious matter" 

Elena was angry and her nose was vibrating due to anger.

"Nothing, dheer just cracked a nice joke. What do you know about loneliness? I don't hate you for being with her but because people like you disgust me. The so called depressed one. After just one breakup in your teens, You think you have endured a lot of tragedies of life. Ask the people who lost their parents even before they were born or people who are disfigured. Ask the people who are bullied due to these things. Even when they are suffering that much, people add to their miseries. Ask children who live in a warzone, without their parents, without food, without a home and here you are crying over a girl who even doesn't know you exist anymore. They know what the fucking tragedy means. Not some idiot like you who has everything in his life. You talk about true love at the age of sixteen when you even don't know who you are. She left you- END OF THE STORY, Don't elongate it for too long. You can't just judge other people on your past experiences. There was nothing you could have done about that. You talk about dying- It will not be your body that will die but your own existence that will cease to exist. By dying, you mean to end your sufferings but that will not end it; It will just pass to someone who loved you like your parents, Elena and your childhood friends. That is why I hate you for being too selfish. She cared about you but you are just using her to end your suffering not to start over again. Let us go, there is no need to talk to a guy as useless as him who doesn't even understand what is going on"

Elena and Dheer were silent. They didn't know what to say anymore. After seeing them silent, Benji grabbed her hand and dragged her outside of class. 

"How can you be such an asshole in front of everyone?" Elena said weeping her tears.

"I'm an asshole in front of the people who deserve that."

"You are no one to come in between both of us. How can you say such things to him even when he had been hurt too much."

"You tried, he doesn't want to get out of his fantasy. He want to be stuck so let him be."

"I began to doubt that I even know you now. You are so softhearted and cool in front of Emma but other time you are just a big asshole"

"I am doing it to protect you from harm's way"

"Shut up, You are no one to hold my lifeline like this.  I hate you, never talk to me again"

She shut the door behind him and went running to her room.

"El! I am sorry."

"I am not talking to you. Go away"

For the whole day, Elena didn't open the door. She tried contacting dheer but he did not reply. While crying, she called Emma because she was one who she trusted more than her life.

"Hey, Emma! What's up"

"I am fine. Where is Benji? What happened? you just look like a 90-year-grandma"

"Dheer heard the truth from someone else"

Elena told her the whole story. After hearing her story, Emma told her to control herself. 

Elena was confused about why Emma just talked that much and ended the call. A smile crossed her face when she saw the text on her phone.

" I will talk to you later as I have to board the flight in exactly one hour. I am sending you the details" 
At last, this whole day was not so bad.

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