Untitled Part 19

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"Leave that, Tell me how you and Emma met?"

"We should sleep now"

"No, tell me. I am not going to let you sleep without listening to your story."

"Okay, I was born into a rich family with a lot of servants and money. From outside, I was the rich kid from India who had everything that one can dream of but no one knew that what I needed most was family, which I lacked the most. My father was a busy man who never had the time for spending time with his son, maybe it was because of the death of my mother during my birth. I think he hated me for killing his wife but more than that, I hated myself for killing my mother and making my father from fun-loving into a workaholic. Even after having so many friends and servants, I could see that they were just with me for my money. I had a lot of friends to say but I was rather alone from inside. My inside was empty and I never felt a thing. I smiled to hide my emotions and had already fallen into depravity at the mere age of 11. I was always sad but no one can see it behind my smiling face except her. I met her during middle school when students were bullying her. I kept on watching them bullying her, deep down I was afraid of been rejected by those so-called friends.

When they went out, I got to her and made her stand up but she pushed me back. She was scared and ran away but later she came back to become friends. She was deaf and mute due to which she was always a victim. She did not know that I was rich or anything and we both felt a bond of restfulness with each other. For the first time in my life, I felt full and happy deep inside. Later, I get to know that we had a similar story. Her father was divorced and mine widowed; both hated their child for it. We become even closer; gradually, we become so close that we could not live without each other for a second. I started fighting with anyone who dared to bully her and learned sign language too. That was the story. The end."

"Tell more"

"Do I look like a radio or a TV for you? Go to sleep"

{Next Day}

Emma receives a message from Simran to meet her at the amusement park. She added that she does not want anyone to know about it. Emma sends the text back in affirmation. 

Later, Emma saw Simran sitting on one of the roller coasters, when she saw her she waived her to come and sit with her.

"Hi, Simran"

"Don't Simran me, we are not friends"

"I am sorry if I hurt you."

"It is not that. Never say sorry for the mistakes you never did."


"Do you Love benji for real?"

"Is it worth asking? More than my life, He is my everything. My world revolves around him, in fact, he is my world. "

"Then how can you see him in so much pain? Why are you not letting him live his life freely?"

"What do you mean?

"Your love has stopped him from growing beyond certain points. He has started considering every person as scum because of you. He has become cold and heartless just to protect you so that no one can hurt you. He loves only and in the process lost the power to love himself. Can't you see that he is degrading and hurt from within his heart? You are always in his mind so he even does not care about himself."

"He cares about himself too. He has taken a gap to decide his future only."

"You are selfish or idiot. He had taken the gap so that you do not have to worry about your sister studying here. He lied to you about thinking about life when he was just making you feel relieved so you can work on dreams comfortably. If you truly loved her, you could have seen how he stopped caring about himself and his problems. Just for you, he had come to India, when he could have gone Harvard business school. Both of you sisters are using him to satisfy your urges and not even once, you asked him to open up. You should have told him to drown his bottled-up frustrations. If you love him, leave him that can be the best thing that could you give him. It will be painful for him at once but soon he will be grateful to you for letting him live his own life."

"You are telling me to leave when he is my world."

"Stop thinking about yourself and for once think about that poor soul. If you truly love him can't you see he is fighting the whole world just for you. He acts bitchy and cold just so that no one can hurt you personally. He was such a nice guy and you have converted him into a lap dog. Can't you see how much he has endured for you and will endure more if you don't leave him? I request you to free him from your lease and let him live his life. The pain will go with time."

"You may be right so what should I do to make him let me go."

"I don't know how you want to leave a note for him. It all depends on you."

"I will think about it. Do you still love him?"

"I am not doing it out of love or jealousy but as a friend. Unlike Love, Friendship is eternal. I can't see him growing his hair grey having a lot of regrets. He taught me that even one-sided love is beautiful. You don't have to expect anything in return and this way you can never get hurt. You don't have to worry about losing your love and friend at the same time. You should think about it and decide for yourself."

"I have already decided. Can you do me one favour?"


"Just be my eyes for him"

"Okay that much I can do for a friend"

Emma was still seating on the roller coaster even after Simran had gone. Tears were coming out of her eyes; even thinking about the prospect of leaving him made her sad but she had already decided.

Benji was trying for hours to reach Emma but her mobile was unreachable.

"Where are you, Elena?"

"With Dheer"

"Where? I asked not with whom?"

"Sunshine bakery."

"Have you talked to Emma? I can't reach her."

"I don't know. She might have gone back to her college but without telling us, that is a new development."

"No, she will never go to college without telling me or you. She might be at home; I will go and check it out."

{2 hours later}

Elena was home sitting outside on the sofa while benji was still searching her room.

"She has gone to America but she could have told us about it." Benji sadly told Elena

"Wait! I will ask my father about her."


After talking with her father, Elena got her new numbers.

"She changed her numbers and didn't tell me about it. Why?"

"Don't care" Benji replied while dialling the number.


"Why didn't you told me that you leaving for America and why did you change your phone?"

"So that I don't have to talk to your gibberish all day"

"Don't joke. Tell the truth."

"It is the truth. I was fed up with your clingy attitude and wanted some alone time."

"You can get all the free time you want in life but please don't talk to me like that."

"I am sorry Benji but I started liking some boy from my college so I think we should Break-up."

"What are you saying? Don't say that. What about loving until death?"

"That was a hoax. How can you live with the same person all your life?"

"Please say, it is just a joke."

"It is not a joke. We should just stop talking because I don't want to talk to you."

"I don't love you anymore"

With the last text, Benji dropped his phone. 

"What happened?"

"Everyone always told me that dreams can come true but they forget to tell me that nightmare are also one of them." 

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