Chapter 18

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Manhattan, New York
Thursday, July 1

I whined, carrying the Chanel bags to Beyonce's Ghost, well mine. I've officially stolen this car from her and she ain't gon' do a damn thing about it. Like, literally what the hell is she gonna do about it? It's not like she gon' put her hands on me. Plus she said I could have it.

I put everything in the backseat, stuffing shit in different spaces. I had so much shit. I already knew the moment I started driving this thing, I wouldn't be able to see anything.

I had Pretty Boy with me for protection because Beyonce was out doing some shit again. It's like she only spends nights with me and the nights are always filled with nasty ass sex. I loved that shit.

When I got home, Beyonce was asleep on the couch while Nana sat in the dining room, writing something. I didn't bother her. I knew better than to bother Nana while she was writing.

I straddled Bey's lpa and kissed her face. I really wanted to throw that bitch on the floor to wake her up but she looked so cute asleep.

I poked her over and over until she woke up, wiping her eyes. She held my thighs and laid her head back down on the large couch.

"Baby, I spent thousands today."

"How many thousands Onika?" Her voice was groggy. Shit!

"Like ninety-four, nothing major."

Her eyes popped open. "I should beat yo fucking ass! What the fuck is your problem Tanya?!"

"I had to Daddy. There was so much stuff that I knew I would just have to get. You were gonna spend it on me anyway."

"That's not the point Onika, you gon' give me that card back."

"Who is?"

"You." She sat up and grabbed my ass, pulling me closer.

"I'm not giving you nothing back."

She shook her head, unzipping my jeans. She pushed her hands inside the back of my jeans and laid her head on my chest. "Yo titties fluffy as hell."

"My titties fluffy as hell?" I touched her neck.

"Yes. Open your shirt?"


"Then I'll do it."

"No you will not!" Nana yelled. I looked and she was narrowing her eyes at Beyonce. "You have to go get those boys."

Bey rolled her eyes but opened my shirt anyway, fondling my left nipple. "I'mma go get them, just not right now."

"I'll go get them babe." I pushed her. "Re-tie my shirt please."

"You going outside?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay." She tied my shirt up in the front then pecked my lips before I got up.

I left the house and went to get the boys. I don't know why Gangsta was up here but as soon as I put the boys in the backseat, occupying them with their iPads, Gangsta was right beside me. I shut the door and he was standing beside me.

"What the fuck?" I got shocked as hell. Why was he so close?

"Where is Lucifer?" He looked tired and he looked angry.

"Why are you asking about her? If you have business with her, you know how to reach her. Don't ask me anything." I don't know why I was being rude to him but I hated it when people asked me about Lu. If she wanted to do business or speak with them at all, she would pop up on their asses or call them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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