Poland x Germany - Mistletoe

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Germany POV
Today is  Christmas and I was on my way to the party. I was talking to Canada, until we saw the house. Russia was decorating the outside of the house and China was decorating the inside of the house. Canada said that that that Japan will be here in any minutes, but before I could even speak I already heard Japan " SORRY WE ARE LATE GU-" Canada laugh "You are not late Japan, you are early " Japan realised that she was tricked " YOU TRICKED ME!!!" she is now yelling at Canada. When I turned around I saw Poland talking to Vietnam. 'He is so cu-, NO GERMAN SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!' I thought, I could feel my face burning up. I went inside when China said we can go in, so we don't have to freeze in the cold. When we went inside the place was warm and peaceful. Well until "Whatsup guys!" America came, " THERE WAS PEACE AND QUIET U KNOW AMERICA!?" Russia yelled.  Their were arguing again. It wasn't a surprise.

Canada POV
Hehehe, I am so evil. I tied the mistletoe in the stick, so it would looked like a fishing rod. I know I would get killed probably but it's totally worth it. I was hiding, America is still arguing with Russia. I moved the stick around so the mistletoe would be between these two


well it landed between Germany 8and Poland. Ups.....


Poland POV
I was chatting with Germany, but then I saw a Misutole and blushed instantly  " what are you looki- " Germany was blushing a lot, he was really red and it was cute to be honest, we turned around to see everyone just watching us and waiting patiently for us to kiss.
I blushed so much but i saw Canada holding the stick where the mistletoe was. I wanted to kill him but before i even took one step, Germany gently turned my face so we could make eye contact and he..............................KISSED ME!!! I fainted because I was blushing so hard and got kissed by my crush

The end

Everyone was fangirling and celebrating the rest of the Christmas party..... oh and Canada got chased next day and got hit by a lot of snowballs.
The End

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