The cycle

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This pain.... Is crushing.
This stress...... Is suffocating.
My strength...... Is gone.
Who am I anymore?
I've lost who I am.
For what?...... Nothing.
My life...... Has no value.
I have no one.
I'm a failure....
To my friends.
To my family.
To my son.
To myself.
The disappointment...... Is ripping me apart.
I'm drowning.
With no one else to pull me up for air.
My tears...... Never ending it seems.
I cry silently not even knowing I am.
I cry for help.
No hears.
"You're a mom, you're not supposed to be feeling like this."
"Where is this even coming from?"
"You're just doing this for attention."
"You're so selfish."
I'm sorry..... I'm trying.

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