Everybody needs somebody

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Physically craving someone's presence?

I believe that as we grow up, we start yearning for someone's touch, for someone's warmth. There's nothing wrong in it. Out teachers in the sex ed class told us that, even though soon after they said, "but stilllllllll, it's not good untill you're old enough".

Sorry teacher who-taught-sex-ed. You literally taught me nothing.

So yeah, as I was saying, its natural, we are humans, we are designed to crave for the presence of another being. And as we grow older, we start craving it more and more.

Everybody wants somebody, you'd be lying if you deny.

Not only physically, but emotionally too. You want someone to be there for you, to listen to you, to support you.

I cannot stress enough on 'EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY' because they do.

Don't hmu with, 'but I got this friend who has never dated and doesn't seem like she will anytime soon, so she's an exception'.

No. She isn't. I still stick to what I said, but my take on your 'friend' is that she's more in control of her desires.

I feel that some people are better at fighting these desires as compared to the rest.

Yeah that 'friend' who is an exception, she ain't. She's just better at focusing on other stuff that matters to her.

While that guy who can't 'keep it in his pants' is probably unable to, and hence ends up giving into his desires. He's probably cherishing life by fulfilling his cravings.

Everyone is wired differently. No, I'm not a hypocrite, when it comes to craving physical contact, it's human nature, theoretical its present for mating and populating.

But the response to this natural tendency, is strictly based on the human being itself.

It's all normal and probably every teenager goes through it. Again, there's nothing wrong in wanting somebody.

Unless it's at the expense of someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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