Guardian (Deltarune)

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They had gone by many names, the Guardian of the Dark, The Lost Soul, Ward of the Forgotten. Many here referred to them as 'Null', as any of their other names would give them a semblance of power, and the King couldn't have that.

Of course, there was one who had chosen a new name for them.

"Lesser pareeeeeeeent!" The prince cried.

Null heard, because Null always did, and teleported themselves to their prince's side.

"What is it, little one?" They asked. They spoke with a thousand voices, each echoing and fading off into a whisper.

The little prince huffed, crossing his arms, "I'm bored."

Null tilted their head, a loud crack rumbled the area around them followed by ghostly whispers as the Darkner thought deeply.

Lancer was not happy with this, and began grabbing at their... hands? Claws? And tried to drag them over. The entity floated along, feet never touching the floor.

Null's head snapped up suddenly, startling Lancer, "Do you... remember snow, little prince?" They asked.

He thought about it, "No. I don't." He paused, dropping the entities hand. He flopped on the ground and flipped over so he lay on his stomach, head resting in his hands, "What else do you remember, Lesser Parent? Tell me a story!"

Null floated, crossed-legged, a few inches off the ground, "I remember snow," They began, "I remember the dark, and the soft glow, and the flowers. I remember the stars." Lancer watched, enthralled by their strange, calming voice, "I remember the heat. And the cold. I remember..."

Horrific creatures burst into their mind, mutants of the dead. Remains mangled, twisted and fused together.

"I remember the bad." Their expression softened, "And the good."

Lancer stuck his tongue out, "That's not how you're supposed to start a story!"

"Then how am I supposed to begin my story, little prince?"

He rolled onto his back, "Try starting with 'once upon a time...' or 'a long time ago...', that's how all the good stories start!"

The entity laughed, eerie and soft, "Very well, little prince."

"Long ago, two races ruled over the world.

Humans, and Monsters."

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