Chapter 4- I hate him.... 'Wanna Bet?'

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"Did you just say what I said?"

He asked. Crap. I didn't want him to reconize me.

I started to fiddle with my braclet I always wore that he gave me in 6th grade. I never took it of. It said "Never Forget me" on a heart charm. I loved it.

I didn't respond . I just bit my lip. He looked at me.. then the braclet..... then back at me.

He grabbed my wrist and examined it. Looking at the braclet. He looked at me.


Chapter 4

"Took you long enough." I grumbled.

He looked at me with complete shock. Then a cocky smirk appeard on his face, He looked me up and down.

I scoffed. "What are you looking at?" I asked with an annoyed tone in my voice.

"You um, changed. You look different." He said . Still 'Checking me out '.

"Just cause I lost some weight and got contacts. Yeah I'm a totally different person." I said sarcasticly, waving my hand around.

He chuckled.

"How have I not seen you in three years? I mean we are neighboors." he said.

Then I spilled. I couldnt take it anymore.

"Maybe it's cause you ditched me in Junior High. Maybe it because you completly ignored me. You ditched me for the populars and choose random bitches and hoes you dont know over me who you have known your whole life. Maybe that's why. I haven't seen you in three years cause I have avoided you. I didn't want to confront you. I just slowly faded into the backround while you lived the high life." I said.

He just stared at me with hurt in his eyes.


I wanted him to feel the same why I did.

"I- I didnt know you felt that way Britt." he said.

I gave him a narrow look.

"Don't call me Britt. Only my friends call me that." I said sternely.

"Oh so I'm not your friend ? And I think I can call you the name that I made up for you." He said, arguing. As always.

He had me there. He was the first person to call me Britt and it just caught on.

"No. I don't hate you though." I said sweetly. He started to smile.

"I just strongly dislike you." I said with a blank look on my face.

"You wont be able to last a month without asking me for advice. Or treating me like your best friend," He said staring at me.

"I bet I can." I said staring back at him.

"Okay. Lets bet on it," He said with that smirk still on his face.

"Fine." I said looking at him.

"Winner get to use the loser for what ever the want for a month. Deal? " He said holding out his hand.

I tapped my chin.. pretending to think.

"Okay. Your on Roebuck."

"Bring it Skywood."

Little did I know those few words would change my life.


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